Planting novice help ! How to trim cannabis leaves ? Thank you for answer


New Member
I'm a grown novice, I need to know how to trim marijuana leaves , hoping to get a very detailed description , such as when you need to trim , how to prune , thank you very much to help me answer people .


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I'd recommend for your first grow to just let the plants grow. As you gain some experience, you'll start realizing where, why and when to prune if you need to.

Pruning is a hotly debated topic here on RIU, and everyone has a different opinion. It also depends on what lights you have, and what your setup is in general.



New Member
Thank you for your answer , I had an experience in planting , cultivation is now ready again , want to learn some techniques to increase production and want to know what the leaves should be removed


Well-Known Member
that's the way to go my friend, then you don't have to remove any leaves because all the buds are even.... like this SAM_3268.jpgsorry couldn't resist :)


Well-Known Member
You want to be careful cutting of leaves, it would be hard to kill a plant by cutting it's leaves off but if done improper you will get a very small plant and yeild. I have defoliated my plants in the past and it works miracles but only at the last month or 3 weeks of flowering. Normally I will not cut the plant at all only to fim or top then I supercrop from there to control hight and when I think the buds need the bang I defoliate. Works well for me.