Plants curling upwards and some twisting 2 weels old


Well-Known Member
It's a lil high like 6.9 also been dealing with a bit of a heatwave and the last few days been tough to keep my temp under 90 during the day


Well-Known Member

I would flush them with clear ph'd water then when they start to dry repot them in 6 inch pots.

Easy on the Nutes after that, for awhile.


Is your light 1200 watts from the wall or 1200 LED watts? Check the label on the back of the light.

If it is 1200 true watts you'll need to back it off the plants.



Well-Known Member
Ya its 1200 led watts I think it's like 600 something from the wall. I ph'd my water to 6.5 last night and flushed them out and was planning on repotting them. I havent given them any nutes yet, should I start once they look less stressed?


Well-Known Member

Transplant when the root ball dries and pulls away from the pot walls. Be sure to Ph the water that you use to wet the new soil for the new pots.

Add light nutes the watering after the transplant.

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Well-Known Member
Repotted them all today after a couple days with proper ph water they all had good looking roots and are looking much healthier after the better water

