Plants sleep so which is best


Well-Known Member
sorry that wrong ido not turn light off i got mixed up coz had to write so many times, like i said it on 12/12 & flowering. oh are u someone else with jibes an no advice, thats why i got pissed,
My advice is the same as most others, put your plants on 12/12 :P

You can slow down flowering time and increase yield in some strains with 13 hours of light and 11 hours of darkness, and speed up flowering while negatively effecting yield by switching to 11 hours of light and 13 hours of darkness.

However most people just stick with 12/12 because cannabis responds exceptionally well to it. It's in its genetics to respond to this photoperiod with the flowering response, and humans can't change that (quickly, and to the exception of auto flowers).

If your plant is turning down its leaves during lights on it's either over watered, under watered, shying away from excessive light, or lacking light, not because it is trying to rest. It's difficult to tell without any pictures at all.

What you need to realize about plants is their entire life is a race to the sun. There is no rest for plants, because all it takes in the wild for them to fail to reproduce is for one other plant to grow faster than it and block the sun.


New Member
it is on 12/12 & flowering an wouldn't flower till like u said 11/13. i was mearly asking why it limp an what if it was reversed with another grow. idont know why it goes limp. but i know its healthy & flowering, im a noob and just thought if it did this in the dark it would benefit frm what looks like to me it using more light


New Member
I answered that.

Then you've got nothing to worry about, like a lot of people have said from beginning.
i cannot find ur answer sorry or dont undrstand. as a noob i was only thinking hypathetically like i said its on 12/12 & flowering, i was just wondering why it done this, not over waterd nute burn to close light. it just does it. someone else on this forum has noticed it, he said he changed his pattern and as a noob maybe why wouldn't you think that, unresponsive oh it not using light, but i haven't ive followed the advice of many, and thankyou all, because its 2weeks into flower. sorry all who answerd this post who tryed to get me but thought by 3rd or 4th post would have understood, ppl cant watch ther grows properly to notice, it might not make any difference if it does this but its just what i observe & was curious, i checked your profile out fuck me a botanist, u know ur stuff then, thought with that u put me straight the first post instead of look at him,


New Member
ou of all these posts 1 or 2 have been slightly helpful, so i take it they do photosynthesize when limp or watever i think sum1 said, so now i know that its not worth it on my next grow to wait a few hours. as it makes no difference. still wud be on 12/12 just meant starting at different time of day,


New Member
sorry again folks and i will not be using RIU anymore, i just wing it or google it, as even the apparent botanist monkeybones takes the piss straight off at noobs who wonder why, u could'nt do my job but i wudnt take piss, its called experience,:-?
ou of all these posts 1 or 2 have been slightly helpful, so i take it they do photosynthesize when limp or watever i think sum1 said, so now i know that its not worth it on my next grow to wait a few hours. as it makes no difference. still wud be on 12/12 just meant starting at different time of day,
RIU has been VERY helpful to me. Then again, I don't bite the hand that feeds. You got many answers that said what you described might be interesting, but in the best interest of the plant, it was best not to mess with it. You remind me of a.... well, my 4 year old that takes an answer and keeps saying yabbit (yeah.... but).

If you don't come back, is it a huge loss to the community? Personally I think you should stick around. You MIGHT learn something, if not about MJ, then perhaps some interpersonal skills. Whatever you choose, I wish you the best.

BTW, Cialis is like Viagara. It's a little pill that helps men with erectile dysfunction. Helps a man keep his weenie stiff..... figured if your plant was limp..... sorry, some don't get my humor.


Well-Known Member
i cannot find ur answer sorry or dont undrstand. as a noob i was only thinking hypathetically like i said its on 12/12 & flowering, i was just wondering why it done this, not over waterd nute burn to close light. it just does it. someone else on this forum has noticed it, he said he changed his pattern and as a noob maybe why wouldn't you think that, unresponsive oh it not using light, but i haven't ive followed the advice of many, and thankyou all, because its 2weeks into flower. sorry all who answerd this post who tryed to get me but thought by 3rd or 4th post would have understood, ppl cant watch ther grows properly to notice, it might not make any difference if it does this but its just what i observe & was curious, i checked your profile out fuck me a botanist, u know ur stuff then, thought with that u put me straight the first post instead of look at him,
If your plant is turning down its leaves during lights on it's either over watered, under watered, shying away from excessive light, or lacking light, not because it is trying to rest. It's difficult to tell without any pictures at all.
You're getting your answers. What you wanted was for someone to tell you your hunch about the plant was right, which it wasn't. Sorry, that's your answer. Limp leaves are a sign of stress, and if that doesn't fly with you then you won't even become an "Apparent botanist", as you would put it.

Maybe if you had used google to find out how plants work before coming here this wouldn't have happened.



Well-Known Member
Oh and by the way, unless you figure out how to speak English properly nobody is going to take you seriously online. :mrgreen:

In case that wasn't already obvious by this thread.


New Member
yeah well i might not be able to spell but after explaining all day that it was on 12\12 would'nt you get pissed off. i dont give a fuck u dumb fat fuckin yanks. suck on my balone oh shit i cant spell fat sausage. could'nt give a toss abt spelling left school 20 years ago. and only txt these days. oh what is it take the piss then give advice when u got me wound up. no loss 2 me plenty of other forums. an if ppl dnt listen or take piss i move on. just like tday. read from start u got me wrong. in fact dont bother this my last post an to everyone who didnt understand on this thread that its on 12\12 fuck me i explained enuf, it was a shame the ppl who started taking piss actually started to make sense in the end page but too L8. and i curse a plague of fungus and mold upon your grows. to the ppl who tried thankyou and all the ppl who are 1st reading this thread this does not include you. the rest can fuck off that goes 4 canadiens aswell


New Member
If I recall, us fat fuckin yanks kicked your ass some 230 years ago lol!
oh would that be not long after u wiped out all the indians. any way you fat yanks arent really yanks anyway your a mish mash of english mexican chinese french. basically anyone who wanted to go to the new world with a greed to rape an pillage. BRING IT ON


New Member
This thread is fuckin retarded!
i know i started it with a not so clear question i admit, but ppl like monkeybones a botanist in his profile dont answer instead just take piss, so wat if i cant be assed writing full letters its not a book and i pressed 4 time.some ppl on this post cant tell, what if from a i have. and if ppl dont want to answer coz i cant spell well fuck em. i got my answer from another forum. i wasnt right but what i was saying had some relavance. and as a result i now know something ppl on this post dont. if desch is reading this you are right but not this crop, watch in veg take note then @ start of flower put into action = +5%yield & thats from awell known grower on youtube. on this site the way i see it the noobs like me dont know & the pros either laugh or wont tell. if darkdestruction420 was as good as he and some1 made, out why has he not noticed this or able to help me. to many know it alls who know jack shit. my plants 2 weeks in2 flower on 12\12 but no one listened to that. was all hypathetical "what if"


New Member
You're getting your answers.

no im not. its non of the things u mentioned so get stuffed. i know the basics of how a plant works. if u listened u wud hav heard that my plant was healthy and flowering on a 12\12. oh read my last post whos lauhing now. i might not be as knowlegable as you as i a noob. but i now know somethink u dont know. and its not with any help from ppl on this thread. it was all hypathetical.


First off, yes you have gotten answers. Might they have been the ones you were specifically looking for? Probably not seeing as how you have absolutely no sentence structure.

You've apparently got people interested in this thread, all you need to do is make it clear for them to read. Use punctuation, spacing, and just spell things right for christ sakes. I tutor kids grade 2-8 and they have better sentence structure than most of these grown ass people on the interwebz.

So, bottom line? USE GRAMMAR AND SENTENCE STRUCTURE. It makes things a TON easier to read.

Oh, and thanks for calling us yanks. It shows how salty the rest of the world at the states for no reason. Let the haters keep hatin, it doesn't keep me up at night, it actually puts a smile on my face.

Peace and Love

Big Perm

Well-Known Member
sorry i appoligize. when i wake in morning ilook in grow room, plant is semi limp then i turn lights on after 5 min its awake an sucking light up, come 1pm its gone limp like its been overwaterd although it aint an its in full light weather it sun or bulbs, and stays like that til tea time 5pm then it wakes up again and uses the light, but ithen have to turn my lights off 2 hours later. but ive read while its limp it doesnt use sunlight or do any chemical processing internally, so hyperthetically what would appen if the 12\12 was reversed
what are the temps, what are you feeding it, what's your ph, what kind of ventalation, what is your air movement, blah blah.

Sounds like your temps might slowly be rising after the lights come on and at 1pm it's pretty hot in there. The plants are about to pass the fuck out, or "sleep".


Well-Known Member
IMO we have the best air force, drone force, navy, soldiers, missiles, space exploration period. England is none for its lack of brushed teeth.