Plants sleep so which is best


New Member
this post is for big perm. everything is spot on, temps and light distance are all ok. heat does not rise mid day like you say, ph =6.8. because i noticed this, i thought of most things ppl said on here. but i been tweeking for over a month now and it couldnt be better. it does photosynthesis while limp but at a reduced rate. it may or may not happen in certain strains. i aint goin thru all that again sorry. but im a noob and it does it, simple may be if you watch for this in veg. u can then time it properly to go in flower, so it dont go limp in the light 12. insignificant to some but its not to me. see youtube mrbigbud75 and see my grow. thankyou.


New Member
IMO we have the best air force, drone force, navy, soldiers, missiles, space exploration period. England is none for its lack of brushed teeth.
ithink u meant "england is KNOWN for its lack of blah blah" so its not just me who cant spell eh. who did you steal all this weaponry off. thats not when british scientists are inventing it for you. i can go on page after page of insults and slander, but didnt join the forum for this. as a noob inoticed something and wonderd. probably just like the brit scientist that invented the jet engine. "brushed teeth" thats pretty lame redneck. how do you fuck your sister without gettin her pregnant. fuck her in the ass dumb ass. ive finished with givin shit now. it would be so easy to log in with a different name and leave this post. but it was ppl on this thread who sayin im stupid an not listening, when on nearly every post i said its on a 12\12 and flowering. the last two ppl who said i had my answers,well i did not. because they did not know what i was going on about. sayin your plant doesnt sleep dont be silly, oh he thinks his plants having a catnap or go read a book. desch got me.and within 20 mins on another forum. maybe with a revised 1st question, igot my answer.


New Member
im a scouser from liverpool england, and unbrushed teeth, super strength lager,mdma,weed and the occasional friday night fight is in our blood. who cares. well most ppl brush there teeth, that must have been the only minger you could pull eh nicky p. oh by the way thought you all might like to know an probably laugh but i got an infraction notice, woopdy doo. how many of these do i need to get myself chucked off mr moderator, i know your reading.
there is only 24hrs in one day 12+12=24 there is no extra 7hrs and to answer your question yes the majority of the THC and Cannabanoid production happens when the lights are off by the way just do 18 on 6 off for veg and for flower do 12 on 12 off dont complicate it. good luck

Robert Paulson

Active Member
so what ur saying is ur plant likes to take a nap mid day so u r polite and turn the lights off. Makes sense but wtf?!? run your light 12/12 during flower and don't mess with it, the plant will adjust its sleep schedule.


New Member
there is only 24hrs in one day 12+12=24 there is no extra 7hrs and to answer your question yes the majority of the THC and Cannabanoid production happens when the lights are off by the way just do 18 on 6 off for veg and for flower do 12 on 12 off dont complicate it. good luck
i meant the first 5 hours its limp in light plus the other 7 hours light = 12 then 12 dark for flower, and like i said again its on a 12\12 and flowering, i vegged for 4 weeks on 24 and 12\12 last 2 weeks. what i was pathetically trying to explain was hypathetically would it make any difference if this limp was in dark 12. i shit you not if u came to my house u would see this for yourself. the last week or so the time its doing this is getting shorter down to about 3-4 hours every day even 1-2-3 days after water. i was told it may be a side effect of the 24 hour light somehow, NOOB idont now but maybe, quality of light cant be too much, but a 24h duration can have an effect on it. what do i know


Active Member
Phytochrome Regulation in Plants

Plants monitor changes in day length with a bluish, light-sensitive protein pigment called phytochrome. Phytochrome exists in two forms, based on the wavelength of the light that it absorbs. It is generally produced in meristematic tissues in very minute amounts. The two stable forms can be converted to each other by absorbing light. Pred (Pr) which absorbs red light and Pfar-red (Pfr) which absorbs far-red light. In the daylight more Pr is converted to Pfr (the active form) than vice versa. Pfr will convert back to Pr over several hours in the dark where it would be stable indefinitely. The conversion in light is almost instantaneous. The phytochrome mechanism is what transforms the crook in the hypocotyls of the emerging seedling into a straight stalk. Stem elongation appears to be inhibited by Pfr. However, if light levels are low, the shaded stems of a tree for example, more far-red light will reach them and cause the conversion to Pr which lowers inhibition and allows the stems to grow longer and out from under the shade.
The interconversion abilities of phytochrome:

Cannabis is a short day plant (SDP), meaning flowering begins to take place when Pr (which is converted from Pfr in the absence of light) is present in higher concentrations than Pfr (when there is more than 12 uninterrupted hours of no light)
Thankfully, our lovely green friend belongs to a category of plants that do not require a dark period (for different forms of metabolism) during the vegetative stage.

" One way in which plants are categorized is by the way they gather and handle carbon dioxide. Cannabis is a C3 plant. It uses the CO2 it gathers during the light period, when it is photosynthesizing. Plants designated C4 also gather CO2 during the dark period for use during the light period. Many C3 plants, including cannabis, do not need a rest period. They continue to photosynthesize as long as they are receiving light.
The plant's photosynthetic rate determines its growth rate because the sugars are used by the plant to build tissue and for energy. Cannabis under continuous light will grow 33% faster than the same plants on an 18-6 light regime."

This has been discussed in many of the "18/6 vs 24/0" threads on various forums. Have a search, its pretty interesting!

So....G.rower, as long as you are providing at least 12hrs of absolute darkness in every 24hr cycle(there are advanced exceptions), your plants should finish their lifecycle as you expected.
As for this limpness that you have observed; it seems to indicate a lack of transpiration, meaning the stomata have closed and fluids are no longer passively passing through the plants' tissue, as others have stated already.
Maybe some research into the environmental factors that can stop/slow transpiration would be beneficial. But again, without pictures, or actually being there, it is too diffucult to give you the straightforward answer you are looking for

Good luck and stay strong


Active Member
The best thing you can do is replicate nature. Remember that.
I would disagree with your statement.
Though the logic behind it is stable; [if nature evolved this lifeform (homo sapiens, or cannabis sp.), nature is the set of environmental factors that seems to influence the evlution of organisms most 'positively'.
Yet, humans (being the only sentient species) are able to make rational decisions according to the things/objects/species we influencce.
This human interference causes a sort of 'artificial natural selection'....therefore any human influence in the breeding of such plants(whether it be 'Mendelian' peas, or Cannabis itself) cannot be related directly to the conditions of raw nature.....think about it!


New Member
Haha wtf op thinks his drooping plants are sleeping with the light on? Wtf dude they don't have free will
i put sleep in the heading to attract ppl, but its just a limpness, so ive had 1 very good answer obove and although maybe right, was sort of not what i was told on another forum. had to do with duration of light in a mature plant in veg which spills into flower time, im not posting anymore now to this thread, like i said im a noob & yet there still ppl take piss, i'll be smokin her in 5-6 wks, ok so if any noob on here asks a noob question about something they have observed most ppl take piss, i know the pisstakers and will be watching there posts for shit they say. im on a ps3 browser mostly so cant post pics, what difference wud it make, limp plant not limp plant, cant stress enough conditions are perfect except for false light. i see it, so dont care what anyone says, and have not strayed from normal procedure, was an observation thats all. and if others watched there plants they may also see this, but say it something else like over water which i know its not, so if any more piss takers wanna add some more then go ahead. no skin off my nose. your just proving your ignorance like many, so fuck you:mrgreen:
that just basic. my plant wouldn't flower on 12/12 for 2weeks it only few days into 13 dark 11 light it started, which got me thinking abt the plants sleep pattern and does it produce these chemicals in sleep rather than just in the dark when awake & am i wasting money when the plant does not seem to be using the light, this my 1st grow and know this is a question for a botanist or an old pro, yes i do know the cycles i have a specimen in my stealth grow on youtube (mrbigbud75) check it out i can grow, it not hard, just trying to up my yield and need few things clarifie.
You are confusing yourself. The reason your plant did not begin to flower for 2 weeks after flipping to 12/12 is because it had not reached sexual maturity yet. yes, you can flip to 12/12 anytime you want, but if the plant is not ready to sex yet, it won't. Your light schedule won't change that. A plant has to reach sexual maturity to sex, no matter what light schedule you are on.


Active Member
what u goin on about i am doin 12\12. every plant sleeps, some in day or night, when mine sleeps i turn lights off coz it not using light. does it produce these chemicals in its sleep. whats wrong with 12 hrs light turn lights off for 5hrs while it sleeps then keeping lights off for a further 7hrs makes the 12\12 but is the 7 hrs dark enuf time to make enuf chemicals for the next day, thats all i want to know

You're a moron


New Member
You are confusing yourself. The reason your plant did not begin to flower for 2 weeks after flipping to 12/12 is because it had not reached sexual maturity yet. yes, you can flip to 12/12 anytime you want, but if the plant is not ready to sex yet, it won't. Your light schedule won't change that. A plant has to reach sexual maturity to sex, no matter what light schedule you are on.
i vegged for 5 weeks had 10 nodes and staggerd nodes at top, so it was mature,. & you can force preflowers as ive read in books which many ppl have told me to do on this forum. i think many other ppl will agree with me about the 11/13 it can make a difference sometimes, early sex them then back into veg till they are ready, im still a noob.:mrgreen:


New Member
tookie in your profile u been on my thread for a while stewing another stupid reply, but seem to be taking a while, just let it go. your brains i mean, go take a dump:mrgreen: if no one has anythig positive to offer do one, or i will give childish remarks back. so most think noobs with an observatory question are morons eh, then wtf are you. sad with nothing to offer


New Member
i think tookie123 can only spell moron as hes still viewing my thread. STEWING ARE WE. if im a moron watch my vid on youtube how could i do that. mrbigbud75 oh tookie123 gone off line now, the word moron must have tookie it out of him unless its the only word he knows. or did he go for that dump and labotamise hlmself, maybe he gone 2 find a dictionary. who knows but IMO i hope he's stuck wherever he is with a load of morons. with more words than he knows


New Member
A noob comes comes to this forum for help with something hes noticed. and gets piss taken out of him, everyone who answerd sensibly THANKYOU, but i will be using another forum from now on, and suggest any noobs do the same before your ridiculed for either mis spelling or not getting the jist of something. which most on this thread didn't. because when i say it is on a 12/12 i meant it, proofs in the video.


Well-Known Member
sorry again folks and i will not be using RIU anymore, i just wing it or google it, as even the apparent botanist monkeybones takes the piss straight off at noobs who wonder why, u could'nt do my job but i wudnt take piss, its called experience,:-?
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