Please Help..... Give Advice.....Criticise

These tiny things are 11 days old from placing the seed in tissue paper. temp is between 25-30 oC, humidity always 50% plus (I place lid of propagator in night, and have humidifier on now and then through day) , 4x36w 4ft cool whites, about 2-3inches above 24/7. Root Riot cubes. Got a fan in there but havent put the input or extractor on.
My first time growing from seeds so abit lost, dont feel like much is happening, no roots coming through bottom of cubes, defiantly seeing progress with all three seedlings getting there second set of serrated leaves, but everything so slowwwwwwwww. Will be here till next year till I can take cuttings

Need advice of anything im doing wrong?
When can I place root riot cubes in bigger rock wool cubes?
How much to water? dont think Im over watering, cubes dry out over day, spray them but dont soak them



Active Member
These tiny things are 11 days old from placing the seed in tissue paper. temp is between 25-30 oC, humidity always 50% plus (I place lid of propagator in night, and have humidifier on now and then through day) , 4x36w 4ft cool whites, about 2-3inches above 24/7. Root Riot cubes. Got a fan in there but havent put the input or extractor on.
My first time growing from seeds so abit lost, dont feel like much is happening, no roots coming through bottom of cubes, defiantly seeing progress with all three seedlings getting there second set of serrated leaves, but everything so slowwwwwwwww. Will be here till next year till I can take cuttings

Need advice of anything im doing wrong?
When can I place root riot cubes in bigger rock wool cubes?
How much to water? dont think Im over watering, cubes dry out over day, spray them but dont soak them
Don't worry you'll be fine. I used root riot cubes and they're working fine. you could check my journal. My babys are 10 days old and I'm to transplant them to 3gal. buckets today.You should 1 or 2 roots popping out by now. Your humidity is kinda high it should be about 20 rh and your temp should be around 75 to 80 degrees.