Please Help


Active Member
Which will make the plants grow faster more hours of light or more lumens.I will be using a fluro light on 24 hours or should i use the sunlight which is only like 14 hours here.Or i may use both my question is which would produce more.Since i am gonna try a late start.Im in the southern hemisphere so thats why which means its summer here.Anyway thats what i may do to extend growing season a bit.

Any suggestions on how i can extend my veg period

Also would this work veg indoors flower outdoors in winter in stuff.If i buy myself a tunnel house.Cos my other plan is veg indoor.Clone the plants and bud outdoor.Because the tunnelhouse im gonna get is only 30cm or 45cm high.


Well-Known Member
Which will make the plants grow faster more hours of light or more lumens.I will be using a fluro light on 24 hours or should i use the sunlight which is only like 14 hours here.Or i may use both my question is which would produce more.Since i am gonna try a late start.Im in the southern hemisphere so thats why which means its summer here.Anyway thats what i may do to extend growing season a bit.

Any suggestions on how i can extend my veg period(less 12/12 more 18/6)

Also would this work veg indoors flower outdoors( i have in the past put out fully vegged plan)t in winter in stuff.If i buy myself a tunnel house.Cos my other plan is veg indoor.Clone the plants and bud outdoor.Because the tunnelhouse im gonna get is only 30cm or 45cm high.
The bigger the plant the larger yield vegging longer would result in larger plants.

you would be more likely to get an answer if you asked less complex questions. Stoners by nature have short attention WTF is a tunnel house?