Please read tell me how set up looks and my plants


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone I just wanted some feed back from all of you I have come to find out this is probably the best all around marijuana site and everyone has been very VERY helpful But I was wondering if you guys/gals could look at my set up and my plant's and maybe give me some pointers or maybe im doing something wrong I dunno thats why I just want to show everyone so I know what to do the next time I grow again obviosuly im a newbie to this so be gentle^_- O ya if you could help me out with a problem im having one of my plants all of a sudden the middle leaves just got all droopy if you look at the pic youll see if someone could tell me why that is happening I would be in your debtr thanks alot :joint::hump:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Not bad KAli.. The droopy leaves are either from over or under watering.. I am going to guess over watering. And you need to stop fertilizig your plants.. they are about to experience severe nutrient burn...

for the next 2 waterings, dont use nutrients... just water every 4-10 days with 1/2 - 1 gallon of water that is pHed correctly..

cheers bro


Active Member
Looks good, do you put a front wall on it regularly or is it open like that? Just wondering what air circulation is like, I see lots of fans which is always nice

Stick the course!


Well-Known Member
I dont have anything to test my ph, I didnt water them today before I turned all the lights off for 6 hours and garden known obviosuly you know what your talkin about how you know im giving them to much plant food?? and another question I usually use one of those red Dixie cup's for each plant I believe the cups hold 8oz's not quite sure on that so how much you suggest I water them and how often?? Do you think my baby will re-coop or did I really screw her up this time? I have already burned them once lol everyone said CFL's are not hot at all so I closed my closet and the next morning my plants were damn near smoi\king the leaves got all crispy and does anyone have any idea what kind of plant's I have even the stain would be cool to know Thanks for all the help guys this newbie needs all he can get hope to hear from ya and thanks again peace


Well-Known Member
and o ya how would I water those 2 plants a 1/2 - 1 gallon of water thats alot wont that like be way over watering cause you said im already over watering and I just use one dixie cup for each plant... Im not to clear if you could explain that would be awsome thanks

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Kali...

Watering QUANITY is different than watering FREQUENCY... you wantto water as LIITLE FREQUENCY as possible with the most quanity of water at each watering..

make sense...

you should totally saturate your soil.. and then let it dry... ideally you will only water when the containers become light again an dthe top 2-4 inches of soil are bone dry...

this can take as many as 10 days when temperatures are between in 70-75 degrees in the grow room and you are using 3+ gallon containers..


I hope this helo clarify..


Well-Known Member
ya that makes sence so how do you suggest I do it??? Like let's say you had my set up with my plants how much would you water them and how often? You kinda see where my plants are at and I plan to veg them for a while longer I am also using a T-5 HO CFL (48) its pretty obvious you know what your talkin about so if you dont mind I would love to hear how someone with experence would do it Thanks for the feedback and help and still no idea what kind of plants those 2 could be? sativa/indca? okokok peace out


Well-Known Member
They both look Indica Dominant.

Judging by the pots, I'd water them with approximately 2-3 Litres every 7 days.


Well-Known Member
Now all of a sudden there both all droopy they look very sick so I just watered them and turned the lights off the way I was doing it they seemd to be doing fine then I start listening to a bunch of different people and they get worse Im going to stay watering them everyday with my DIXIE cups thats if there not going to die or dead already


Well-Known Member
Do you guys think maybe having to much air flow in there might make them sick if you look at the first pic of my sick plant sence I took that yesterday they both got worse the other one that was doing good just like all of a sudden lost all its strength and all the leaves just dropped so could I have to much air flowing in there???I have two little fans as u can see blowing right on the plants then I have a regular small desk fan used to suck out the hot air then I got one of those tall fans about 3-4 feet away blowing in there JUST PLEASE HELP I DONT WANT MY BABY'S TO DIE AND START OVER AGAIN and o ya btw there indica?? I got jewed cause I bought all sativa seeds o well help a newbie out thanks


Well-Known Member
Listen to garden .... water them with ALOT of water but do it ALOT less frequently. I went through the same problem on my first grow. Second time around now i water my babies, in 3-gal containers, about every 3-4 days. The dixie cups (party cups) i use are 18oz. I use them for vegging and an extra one for watering. My 3-gal containers usually get about 2-3 cups every 3-4 days. Best way to make sure youre giving enough water is to keep watering each individual plant till you see it draining out of the holes in the bottom. Good draining soil should do this between 10-30seconds of watering im estimating. Good luck and happy growing

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Now all of a sudden there both all droopy they look very sick so I just watered them and turned the lights off the way I was doing it they seemd to be doing fine then I start listening to a bunch of different people and they get worse Im going to stay watering them everyday with my DIXIE cups thats if there not going to die or dead already

all right.. keep us posted.

have you thoght about transplanting them?


Well-Known Member
why would I transplant them?? wouldnt they just die cause I mean there lookin really bad right now and btw i am still veging them and those 18oz dixie cups work great cause like you said you should see water coming out the bottom within 10-30 seconds and it does that Im just freaking out cause the way I was doing it was working great and then I put this big ass fan well its actually an A/C but I set it to fan and had it blowing in my closet cause when I had my closet doors shut it got to hot and I started to burn them then I pu tthat ac thing on them and thats when it all started and then I wake up this morning and my other plant that was looking great all of a sudden just was all wilted? should I try and clone the plants just incase they die and I dont have to start all over again from seed??? thanks for the feed back and the help guys you really dont know how much I apreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Care to share some more info that I MAY have missed in the thread ?

What soil did you use ?
Exactly what lights do you have ?
How big are those pots ?
Where are you getting the water you feed the plants from ?
Are these on a timer or some sort of schedule ?


Well-Known Member
hows it going looking good... but i would use the water method that nome said if after you water your plants the pots heavy then keep an eye on it and when the pot seams light agin feed them but i wouldn't feed them every day that will start root rot and you dont wont that i forgot what food your using if your growing organice then use fox farm if your growing hydro i would go with a three part General Hydroponics or advanced N until you know all the food that your plants will need
[SIZE=+0]every time you water with food and then just water your flushing your plants food away ... unless nut burn gets really bad then flush. just becuase you plant has a cuple of leafs that got nut burn that dusint mean you need to flush most of the time if you just mix less food into your water the plant will fix it self i never use just water and i have never hade a problem and i know theres others out there that will say the same i have even tripled my mix of food with water and hade no problems [/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
whats up guys Thanks for all the help I think I got my baby's back I dont know what I was doing. but they look alot ALOT better. I think this weekend I am going to start them on a 12/12 get it going cause my plants are big and they are still 18/6 vegg'n and Iheard people flower there plants at like 6 inchs and both of mine are already over a foot long. and I went to my local hydro store and got better bulbs for my T-5 I got 4 blue and 4 red Ive heard from multiple people Using CFL's im not gonna get a huge yield like i would if i was using the HPS lights or whatever there called the 400/600/100/ watt lights the sodium ones but I will have a better chance with the rednblue bulbs better light spectrum or sum shit I just want some free bud damn it why cant this shit just grow on trees? I guess that would take all the fun out of it but anyway do you guys think its a good time to start flowering? because I heard it takes like 7-10 weeks or more to flower all the way so im pretty sure there gonna grow on a 12/12 but if anyone has some good advice i would love to hear it before I go and do it thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Look at these and please tell me if there ready for flowering and maybe someone would know what kind of plants they are and what strain someone said indica but there both spose to be sativa so I dunno damn it and can someone please tell me how to put pictures when your using quick reply thanks