Pls help needed!!! Plant problem!!!


Hi to everyone
Desperatly need an a advice with my plant. Allready been through many different opinions, articules and so far nothing, which left me confused.Basicly problem is with my leafs which become yellow and brown.
bio bizz bio bloom bio grow 4ml/1l
PH 6.6
twice a week
400w HPS
grow room:
50/90/160 cm
23-30 *C
5 weeks old/ first week of flowering
I noticed first yellow edges of leafs around 5 days ago, then they started to dry...
So far i flushed them 4 days ago, waited for the soil to dry and then started with 1/4 dose of nutries and BIO BIZZ "ALG-A-MIC" per litre.That helped a bit but whole plant isn`t as green as before.



New Member
Looks to be all around hungry. Definitely getting Magnesium deficient. I would hit them with a good dose of veg nutes if I were you....and always finish a flush with a feeding. Unless you flushed because of nute burn.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
when you say ph 6.6 what is 6.6 the water your adding into the soil? make sure the soil ph is ok.if your using good nutes you should have any deficiencies unless the plant cant use the nutes.


Well-Known Member
except calmag... lol I have yet to find a flowering food that provides enough. Most common posts on this section, " help 3-4 weeks into flowering and leaves yellowing"