
t dub c

Well-Known Member
i dont think they can hold this site as evidence
No they couldnt, but they could use it to find the growers, then investigate and find hard useable evidence on the growers, then bust them. Of course they would never let someone know that they used RIU as the inital way of finding them. That would wreck the whole operation. So just be careful ,and dont post pics if you are a commercial grower.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ok, thank you guys thats really helpfull to kno, im not a paranoids type of person i just thought of it and didnt wana get booked randomly. And i live in canada so im not to worried


Well-Known Member
Really? Because everything here is easily editable by moderators or anyone who works at the hosting company. Also, you know, I do that auto save mumbo jumbo for my computer passwords, and I signed on at like a library once and who knows who was able to log onto my account since then.
i think when you save your pass words it only saves it to that computer, most public computers dont even have the option.


Well-Known Member
i think when you save your pass words it only saves it to that computer, most public computers dont even have the option.
It's a funtion of the web browser, and can certainly be disabled with group policy if you wanted to. But then I doubt most public computer admins actually take the time to impliment that sort of thing. Surprisingly most IT admins aren't really all that competent anyway, and I doubt the court would make a ruling based on a best practices scenario that they couldn't be certain every public computer you ever used was serup in such a way.


Well-Known Member
It's a funtion of the web browser, and can certainly be disabled with group policy if you wanted to. But then I doubt most public computer admins actually take the time to impliment that sort of thing. Surprisingly most IT admins aren't really all that competent anyway, and I doubt the court would make a ruling based on a best practices scenario that they couldn't be certain every public computer you ever used was serup in such a way.
your info has probably been lost in the sea of memory. i'm not sure of the investigation process if you are suspecting fraud. mabey some sort of private investigator.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Personally I think the cops are better off tracking down pedophiles on the Internet then worrying about a plant or 2 growing in someone's closet.

ROFL... I can't even get a seed to sprout these days so they're going to be MIGHTY disappointed if they come a knockin on my door. :D


Well-Known Member
your info has probably been lost in the sea of memory. i'm not sure of the investigation process if you are suspecting fraud. mabey some sort of private investigator.
I'm not sure if you understand how it all works, but it doesn't save them to memory. When you save a password with IE it saves it in an encrypted hash which is easy enough to get to if you have access to a computer, try free programs like ie passview or SIW. It's tougher with stuff like Firefox and Opera though. But my point is there is always reasonable doubt inately when dealing with a site such as this.


Well-Known Member
just clean your whole comp with CCcleaner if your really paraniod about this
And do a DOD wipe, if you are really paranoid. Also use Opera or firefox portable from a USB drive, use TOR, and switch to hush mail. If that isn't enough for you setup a version of linux or XP to boot off a USB drive and do all the privious things, if you are ever worried about getting caught flush it down the toilet after you stop the shit out of it.


Well-Known Member
They would have to get the IP information from RIU, then they'd have to get who the ip belonged to from the ISP.

Basically they would have to jump through a whole lot of loops to get where you lived from the internet and have to search through loads of IP addresses.

I'm not too worried myself as the DEA has bigger fish to fry and the person growing not even 10 plants is not at the top of their list, they'd spend more money and time getting me then it would be worth.

Cleaning your computer wouldn't do much to protect against it, but its always nice to have a spyware and adware free computer.


Well-Known Member
Didn't the server get moved to Canada?
Theres A LOT of physical ground to cover. Thousands of miles of land, Millions of homes. Cops aren't going to do anything.

Not only that, by the time you post your pics and sell/smoke/give away the dope, the Cops will be 3 steps behind you, and you might not have anything to get busted for! :mrgreen:

Sure, the Patriot act is for terrorists, but make No Mistake that it is a design to spy on all Americans.

In a few years as it gets worse and spy tech gets better, I'll be a little more concerned.
The Gov't. is aquiring data.

I wouldn't post Pot picks if you plan on running for Senator tho'.
i think...that if the cops were on here, they probably wouldn't make themselves known, and they probably read posts like this one...and figure out who the paranoid ones are...twist the info and look into those individuals more so than others....because they probably have something to hide...

the feds are probably already(still) watching me for unrelated things, seeing as the FBI has my cell number and nobody ever gave it to them...but thats for another post....

dont be paranoid does you no good, if you have a giant grow, don't talk about it, if its for personal use don't talk about it anywhere but here...simple as that

no names addresses or phone numbers ip addresses aint shit pictures aint shit either read your rights learn the laws and go on with life, fuck fearing a cop, they're the same as me and you cept they have a gun and a badge...civil servants...and occasional donut hogs lol

The P.A. isn't the only thing people have to worry about. It's CALEA (thank Pres. Clinton for that bit of legislation). Google it, it's not a joke. CALEA is how the federal government gets certain equipment installed in telco central office rooms and on their servers. CALEA is why we just had that nifty piece of legislation go through that protects telcos from lawsuits arising from privacy rights violations. The P.A. just rounds the whole thing out quite nicely for the feds.


Active Member
You Can Get House Address And Phone Number Jus From a I.P So Keep Your Comp Firewalled and a good anti virus i use avast.


Well-Known Member
oh god.......all staff members are actually cops........holy fuck..........we are all gonna get busted.......!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
AS it stands the site its self is quite open and easy to be watched and broken so the basics of saftey fall on the users here as there is no real site saftey at this time so always take precautions.Those who dont think they can or would watch these site must have not heard of overgrow and the whole site being grabbed and shut down and people arrested. Always use proxies,secure servers with rolling ip anonomous, never directly connect via a browser, dont use any real info for sign up or communication and if you do use portable drives a simple flush or stomp will not get rid of the info and niether will a simple CCleaner program as those are just first steps you need to deep clean your footprints and use secure over seas security if in the US.