Possibilities of getting caught by electric increase...


Active Member
Ok so ive started my first grow ever! Got the seeds from my father in laws dirt weed, and started germinating! I didnt want to buy online, because i dont want any ties to me with anything!! So ive had them under flouros for about a week now, and theyre growing like crazy, im actually gonna be putting them under my 400w MH tomorrow morning. But thats not why im here... Im here for a few questions i have. Im worried that im going to get caught. What are ways that you can get caught? Choppers flying over with thermal cameras that can see heat, or a raise in your electric bill?? I dont want answers like by telling people.. cause im not a fucking retard, i have common sense, NOONE knows about this, not even my wife!!! if she had found it, she wouldnt turn me in, but thats the least of my worries... she'll never see it. But serious ways, and fact, NOT someones opinions please! I do have some questions about my strain i have also. Anyways, I am in PA so i nknow laws are different everywhere, so if there is someone that knows please let me know! Thanks!


Active Member
yea ... obviously it will raise your electric bill a bit but as long as you pay it that should be fine .The power co. is a business - they usually dont go narking paying customers out as a practice . Its usually more likely that you have already been tagged and the authorities have requested your electric records to help convince a judge or grandjury to execute a search warrent on your place. There have been people busted from thermal imaging but I dont hear about it often . I would run your lights during the day because these flights ( if they even do them in your area ) usually run in the middle of the night because the sun makes everything show hotter in the day and hot spots are easier to catch when the conditions are at the coolest point of the night . The ones you see in the daylight are spotters looking for outdoor grows - other ways are smells , light leaks from your grow room , curious kids - neighbors-friends , starting a fire from a bad wiring job ... more i'm sure but those are the mains that come to mind right off ..... good luck -hope it all wotks for you : )


Active Member
Thanks... I appreciate it! Ive never heard of them in my area, but worth thinking about... Im not worried about fires or neighbors... as i dont have any neighbors, friends, nosey people, etc... I appreciate the input though, and im gonna make sure there are no leaks today.


wish i had no pissing neighbours middle of nowhere enough room for a nice grow fill all my curing jars in one go last you for ohh a good week or so lol


Well-Known Member
Dude, if ur only running a 400 watt MH, you are definitely NOT going to have to worry about friggin' choppers thermal imaging ur place man. 400 watts is nothing, some of these growers are running 20,000+ watt grows and don't have to worry about choppers. My home stereo system puts out more than 400 watts, haha
Oh, and if you want your PGE bill to go up even more, then yes run your lights during the middle of the day in Summer and risk cooking your plants if they get too hot.
Run em at night dude, when all your other electrical stuff is off and its cool outside, if u run em during the day, your bill will be way more since it will be peak hours the rates for electricity goes up in the day time. And if your run your lights during the day, lets say 7AM - 7PM then that means if you have a normal job, (9-5) that every time you need to water you'll have to be hella rushed in getting to the room and getting your water and nutes ready really fast before the lights kick off. And that sounds like a hassle to me.


Well-Known Member
my computer uses 700watts. our old space heater-1700, you leave your computer on at night? just turn it off and you've compensated


Well-Known Member
I would suggest a video called "never get raided" for a bit of insight into busts.

As pointed out, electric is almost never primary evidence. I would suggest you put your 400wt into context by researching what a TV, computer, xbox, ect uses in electric. Compare your kilowatt hours with what you used before, and if you can, what your neighbors are using. Most likely you'll find that your usage is nothing alarming.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My power company sells it's users information and payment records to research companies including those investigating benefit fraud. While they're in it for the money, they're more than happy to tell people what's the story for some more money.

However a raise in electricity will do nowt, unless you're talking about say a 3000w increase over a prolonged duration, not like a kettle, heat signature, again, think how many items in your house cause heat, quite a few, think how many radiators you have, quite a few, it is narry impossible to be busted for a heat signature alone, it may prompt further investigation but it will rarely have a judge sign off on a warrant.

And you say you don't want to link yourself to anything, well you just posted on a weed forum, this can be traced straight back to you by your isp if the police so requested it, unless you are using TOR or stealthing yourself in other means, in which case just buy the seeds online with a pre-paid card :)

You sound very optimistic about your wife's inability to snoop around and find things. Knowing what women are like i'd say otherwise, they work things out and work em out quick :D not gonna ask how you plan to trim and dry your harvest without wondering what's up or where you are etc. Good luck though.


Active Member
From what I understand the choppers with thermal imaging are looking for suspicious heat venting, not hot spots in residential houses. A small grow could be explained away by a large tropical aquarium or having iguanas, chamelions or other exotic pet.


Active Member
you should be fine
it wont raise your bill that much try running 8 lights

and dont tell anyone about your grow and you should be ok :blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks guys... I am very optimistic. lol My elec bills are always paid and on time... My wife doesnt go to that area of the house because thats my man cave and she doesnt dare step foot in there hahaha plus its locked up with a lock and key. But anyways, Im only growing 1 single plant for personal use... its not like im trying to get greedy with money and shit... but i understand why its frowned upon to try and find someone with clones and shit... theyre not trying to let anyone know who they are either... but I appreciate all of your guys' input. If you guys have any tips for me, it would be greatly appreciated and wont go unnoticed!!


Active Member
Lol omfg please tell me u havent done any google searches having anything to do with growing weed..... The fbi is watching uuuuuuuuuu =d


Well-Known Member
three simple rules and you will eliminate most risk: NO SMELL, NO TELL, NO SELL. dont sell from where you are growing, dont tell anyone not your buddies not your father in law this especially goes for heads that you know and hang out with as these are the people that will flip you when they get pinched. if you want to learn more about law enforcement and the techniques they use then i highly recommend watching the never get busted videos from barry cooper. you can watch them in parts on youtube for free. this guy used to be a k-9 officer and busted thousands of people then he started smoking pot and subverting law enforcement by sharing their techniques and procedures in his videos. check them out i learned a lot and feel safer after watching them.