Possible Hermies. SOS


Active Member
I have 2 plants, that have been in flower mode for about a 11 days. I cannot tell if its male or female. Wish i had pics to provide.

I think its a hermie

wut should I do with it? toss it now due to safety precautions. or wait a few days and finalize my conclusion.:confused:


Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants, that have been in flower mode for about a 11 days. I cannot tell if its male or female. Wish i had pics to provide.

I think its a hermie

wut should I do with it? toss it now due to safety precautions. or wait a few days and finalize my conclusion.:confused:
if you don't have anything else you're worried about contaminating, and don't mind seeds, you could leave it be.

however, i think pollen can stick around for a while, and it could cause future grows to produce seeds.

personally, i would get rid of it.

get some pics up if you can!


Active Member
i've been observing it, and i can't decide if it's actual nuts, or possible flowers.

I've been looking at other males, and all the other males nuts appear to be internodes located between the stem, and branches.

The "nuts" in my case. are on top of branches. not totally sure at this time. ITS FREAKING ME OUT MAN



Well-Known Member
Ok here are some pics. the nodes are my concern in my case. SOS
i am not experienced enough to tell from
those shots, but if you could get some clear
close-up, high resolution shots, like the ones
i've recently posted in my grow journal, i might
be able to help ya...


Well-Known Member
that plant looks like its suffering...... are you treating it ok? and singing to it at night?? i hear this might help


Well-Known Member
thats a hermi my friend... fucking happened to me the other day....rip that bitch out and throw it away.. unless like my man said earlier if u dont mind seeds then leave it if u dont have any other plants.... but pollen does stick around for a liitle so if u decide to let it go just make sure u clean the room before usin again