Possible to grow on a flat container?


Well-Known Member
Can a plant grow on a flat container like the once you use of windows?

The container would be at least 6 inches deep but 20 inches wide 7 inches deep


Well-Known Member
Your tap root, the one that grows straight down, likes room to grow. The plant will grow OK probably... I think I read that in order to sustain the plant, the tap root should be at least 4" long.


Well-Known Member
That size "pot" is ideal for PC grows to maximize soil usage and space. So yeah sure, you can use it, but a deep pot is better.


Well-Known Member
I'm betting that it'll grow wide, rather than tall, like when they're grown in party cups(for too long :razz:). Those are always tall and narrow, because the roots didn't have room to spread. I think it'll do just fine, not optimum, but good, nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
^Can I use HPS? My neighbors wouldn't like it very much, if I was growing weed, in my window.lol