Possibly looking for a caregiver for a bit.. Need your guys input, advice..etc.


Active Member
Hey guys,

DHS approved my application and I should have my card any day in the mail. I had plans on growing my own here, and was planning all the equipment I need to buy and am stuck right now. I have some bills that I need to pay and I don't think I will be able to put together a decent grow until Dec-Jan.. I want to do it all right and not start with some crappy grow, so I want to make sure I have everything that I need when I start. So for now and maybe for awhile, maybe finding a caregiver would be my best option.??

I have absolutely no idea how caregivers work. I have seen some that will give a patient an ounce a month. Maybe there are some that give a bit more, I don't know. I'm guessing some people have contracts..

Can anybody fill me in with what they know...and possibly if they are looking to be a caregiver. I'm in Kingman, but I can make whatever work.

Feel free to post or PM me. Thanks!


Active Member
With a caregiver you can not grow. As for finding a caregiver I couldn't help you but am sure others here can point you in the right direction.


Active Member
Yeah, I figured that I gave up my right to appoint a caregiver. I would like to grow in the future but thought maybe a caregiver and I may be able to come to an agreement for a contract for a period of time.. So I know I would have to change my stuff.

I don't know.. Maybe it would just be easier for me to buy an oz for now and then worry about my setup. Now that I think about it.. It may be more of pain to do all that switching.. I was just trying to get ideas and see what would work best for my situation.

BTW, there is a guy who posted on CL here in Mohave County for meds and seeds near me.. -corrected- I texted because I was curious, but he wouldn't give me an idea of what he normal takes for donations. He said he would work with me. But I don't know. Im a bit hesitant to initiate anything since this is all new to me. -corrected-


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I figured that I gave up my right to appoint a caregiver. I would like to grow in the future but thought maybe a caregiver and I may be able to come to an agreement for a contract for a period of time.. So I know I would have to change my stuff.

I don't know.. Maybe it would just be easier for me to buy an oz for now and then worry about my setup. Now that I think about it.. It may be more of pain to do all that switching.. I was just trying to get ideas and see what would work best for my situation.

BTW, there is a guy who posted on CL here in Mohave County for meds and seeds near me.. I texted because I was curious, but he wouldn't give me an exact amount that he wanted.

Try and use better wording like " what kind of donation are you looking for ?" With that stupid law Bush passed who knows who is listening on that wire.


Active Member
Try and use better wording like " what kind of donation are you looking for ?" With that stupid law Bush passed who knows who is listening on that wire.
Yeah make sure your not saying anything that would cause legal issues for anyone.


New Member
Best Advice...

Do NOT do it... especially if you plan to grow in the future... an honest caregiver would say the same....


Active Member
Thanks all... I definitely need to pick my wording better. Sorry and thank you..

I think maybe I will hold off and work on getting my setup together. Thanks for all the advice. I definitely needed some outside advice..

On another note..
I got my White Widow seeds today... So I need to get to it.


Active Member
Best Advice...

Do NOT do it... especially if you plan to grow in the future... an honest caregiver would say the same....

I'm not understanding this statement. I'm a caregiver, and I would be hesitant to be specific about donations until a few exchanges had been made and a comfort level was there. But I don't think there is anything wrong with someone finding a caregiver in that manner. It makes no difference if he wants to grow in the future, he is still allowed by law to assign a caregiver when he finds one. He can rescind or reassign when the time comes. How else are patients supposed to find their meds since the dispensaries aren't open yet?


Active Member
You are in DESPRATE need of a patient to caregive for is what it sounds like... If you need meds you get them from another patient... If you started growin for him it would take over 2 months to get a hrvaest by then he will be wanting to grow for himself... Sooo what would be the point... I know.. TO let you grow 12 more plants.... I am a caregiver and if someone told me what THISS guy had asked I would recommend the same thing I said before...

Do NOT sign anyone over as your caregiver especially if you plan to grow in a few onths.. Until then if you need meds... Get in contact with a fellow patient and I am sure they can help...

My understanding is that you and your caregiver can both grow 12 plants for you , different locations. While you would only be able to grow for 12 (since the dispensaries are no longer opening on the original timeframe, this is now unofficially extended), the caregiver continues to grow, thus supplying a steady stream. You can always reassign caregivers as long as you pay the state fee. Regardless, you are still able to grow for yourself during the allotted time. better to assign a caregiver earlier so their is no lapse in available product.


Active Member
I don't appreciate your assertion that I'm in need of anything just because you fail to read the laws. I have my 5 patients as I am an oncology therapist. Nice of you to pass along your bogus and youthful knowledge. Such a cocky ass.


New Member
And, dumbfuck, patients aren't legally allowed to trade meds, caregivers are. Idiot.
Read the laws my friend... A patient can not give meds to a non card holder.. It is perfectly fine to trade with other patients....

Do you remember signing this form HERE...


[FONT=Arial,Arial][FONT=Arial,Arial]I will not divert marijuana to any individual who or entity that is not allowed to possess marijuana pursuant A.R.S. Title 36, Chapter 28.1 and that the information provided in the application is true and correct. [/FONT][/FONT]



Active Member
My understanding is that you and your caregiver can both grow 12 plants for you , different locations. While you would only be able to grow for 12 (since the dispensaries are no longer opening on the original timeframe, this is now unofficially extended), the caregiver continues to grow, thus supplying a steady stream. You can always reassign caregivers as long as you pay the state fee. Regardless, you are still able to grow for yourself during the allotted time. better to assign a caregiver earlier so their is no lapse in available product.
I have to say your understanding is wrong. The way caregiver works is they grow for you. IE you are giving the caregiver to grow your plants your growing ability.
if you wana come on here trash things ppl say post links to where you got your info. Assigning a caregiver is giving that person your grow rights.


Active Member
Nowhere in that link does it specifically say that if you have a caregiver growing for you then you are unable to grow for yourself. That's just the FAQ page. If you really want to research your assertions, download the full rules and statues that have to do with it and read through all of it. I've read them many times as my partners and I were planning a dispensary, which is currently on hold. If you have a caregiver, you do not surrender your rights to grow your own. Mind you, everything you are referring to makes allowances for the fact that dispensaries were originally going to be open by now. That hasn't happened, and, if history repeats itself and the other counties and states that filed similar lawsuits, you are looking at a year delay before it gets thrown out of the Supreme Court as that is the time frame previous precedents have seen. It is likely that they didn't specify caregiver and patient both growing because the length of time was originally supposed to be fairly short because the dispensaries were to open, greatly decreasing the need for home growing via patient or caregiver. In other words, it is a loophole in the law.


Active Member
If you want to trade meds with another card holder, by all means, do so. Take that risk. You'll note that many of the "compassion clubs" claim along the same lines, patients congregating and trading info, meds, edibles, etc. Why were they arrested?


Active Member
qualifying patient has designated the caregiver as the one who should be approved to cultivate marijuana on the qualifying patient's behalf--------------- this is the answer from AZDHS to a question asked of them and it is plain

wow really i'm the dumbfuck awsome. ok so show me where it says you can grow and have a caregiver.... if you can not (LOL good luck) then you are doing the same thing as you say here

If you want to trade meds with another card holder, by all means, do so. Take that risk. You'll note that many of the "compassion clubs" claim along the same lines, patients congregating and trading info, meds, edibles, etc. Why were they arrested?

living in a gray area ....... you cant have it both ways... you should learn how to understand... and yeah i cant spell but that dont make me unable to understand. and the arrest was cause of profits not tradeing read the law again says you can trade and donate just not charge.

and kkthxbia guy just here to inform and your wrong in black and white.


New Member
Nowhere in that link does it specifically say that if you have a caregiver growing for you then you are unable to grow for yourself. That's just the FAQ page. If you really want to research your assertions, download the full rules and statues that have to do with it and read through all of it. I've read them many times as my partners and I were planning a dispensary, which is currently on hold. If you have a caregiver, you do not surrender your rights to grow your own. Mind you, everything you are referring to makes allowances for the fact that dispensaries were originally going to be open by now. That hasn't happened, and, if history repeats itself and the other counties and states that filed similar lawsuits, you are looking at a year delay before it gets thrown out of the Supreme Court as that is the time frame previous precedents have seen. It is likely that they didn't specify caregiver and patient both growing because the length of time was originally supposed to be fairly short because the dispensaries were to open, greatly decreasing the need for home growing via patient or caregiver. In other words, it is a loophole in the law.
YES it does... You give up your right to cultivate and allow your caregiver to...


Active Member
And, dumbfuck, patients aren't legally allowed to trade meds, caregivers are. Idiot.
and yet again you are wrong
http://www.azdhs.gov/prop203/faqs/patients.htm#Q26 q 30 so enjoy being wrong 2 times and then come back say i am wrong and still be fucking wrong

some people are always swimming up stream

please if you are a patient don't listen to this guy.... hell don't listen to me look for yourself and unlike others this is the link to a question ANSWERED BY AZDHS.