Post the history of your own drug use....

No doubt ... but it is a public site ... with a server in Canada.
So make friends .... and Break Out with us all ... as you are
Wicked person .. but be smart.

Every post you make ... is a reflection of who you ARE.
Project yourself as Such ... for everyone is watching.

Yeah puffer.. I bet you WOULD like knowing that this site is making me talk about illegal activities.. lmfao na im just messin man, but hit me up with that PM bro. I saw you on here a bit ago I just remember your pic kinda hard not to remember it. so im interested man!

Also i would like to add.. Salvia made me trip nuts it sucks.. is it just me or when people trip do they always see a repetitive image or just.. SOMETHING that repeats fast, like your going crazy?

----------------Salvia Trip sample of mine (sample cuz ima make it short)
I smoked it.. held in for as long as i could, exhaled, RIGHT when i exhaled things felt a bit light and BAM I naturally layed back and I my eyes closed.. I couldnt feel my breathing, nor my legs, a lot of objects were spiraling as if I were in a twister of objects, and i BECAME the objects fusing while falling over onto another object in Spiral Formation. after a min of being retarded just viewing it.. I panicked because I thought i'd be like that forever so i tried to come back to the real world..

Everytime I smoke it now I just get worried Ill never come back..

NOW everytime I smoke it.. its always the same thing.. im on top of a shelf in a warehouse falling down like im a camera just falling down.. its so odd man.. I just dont understand it.. im considering orally ingesting it in hopes it will be more controllable.
No doubt ... but it is a public site ... with a server in Canada.
So make friends .... and Break Out with us all ... as you are
Wicked person .. but be smart.

Every post you make ... is a reflection of who you ARE.
Project yourself as Such ... for everyone is watching.


Which for some reason reminds me! Puffer, do YOU actually think that on the Signatures of people, that it would help them stay safe if they put down "Everything I say is FAKE" or like.. "if I say anything illegal, its because my account got hacked and someone is trying to frame me"

Wouldnt it be considered Heresay and THAT part just thrown out in court, but the convicting stuff just left in?
Oh, I tried salvia twice as well. It was interesting, but I got the same kind of thing; I was staring at a chair and when I took my hit the chair occupied my left feild of vision and anything right of the chair remained, except my left feild of vision kept growing to the point where the right half, while still the same, was only about 1/50th the size of the left side.

Shit is fucked up as hell. Apparently, traditionally, they only use it about 12 times in their lives.

Whats used 12 times in ones life?

and so the chair on ur left view was smearing across reality? and ur right eye viewlooked the same?

my 3rd try at it.. I was with my best friend. we burned a bowl..
. I held in for as long as possible except when I smoked it I had my eyes OPEN, this time i heard a garbage truck..
and like.. my view went from my room.. to a garbage truck i didnt even notice the transition of my view changing.. it just happened..

and than next thing u know it switches back to my room but its a PAGE, and I see the corners of other pages as if your about to flip the page from the top right of the book, and like.. I phyiscally grabbed the page that im in because i felt if i left that page I would be gone from my room with my best friend forever so i pushed the page back into place..
than I felt a SMACK on my right side of my face, down to the right side of my leg and everytime it smacked, the taste of the Salvia Refreshened.
So I felt if I left the room it would stop.. so i concentrated HELLA hard and I left my room!! than I ran to the bathroom and I felt that leaving the room wasnt supposed to happen but I just picked up the tooth paste and my skin looked GOLDEN! it was so odd! I never seen it that color lmfao hahaha so than I proceeded to brush my teeth out and my shirt was feeling like it was prickling my left side,
for some reason it felt as if leaving that room was like leaving a part of myself.. I felt like the ME that left the room during the trip belonged to a section of my body and was in charge of something totally different than being in charge of my WHOLE body ya know?

Sorry if i sound confusing.
Tenner, it sounds to me like you were just picking up other peoples glasses! :D Only Joking.


Lol mate soons as I put the glass down he would fill my glass up full as ever and give me a thumbs up, lol He did that at least 5 times and I was gone man... I was gone....

Nice story there and a good stash those cops blew!!

I always took massive tokes of salvia and held it in for ages but never got the same effects as you guys. I could see fractals and the taste of the salvia felt like it was turning all my body into pins and needles feeling. Kinda like the taste was travelling from my mouth to all around my body making it all vibrate. And the fractals I was seeing were in coordination with this vibrative feeling, kinda like they were dancing to it. It was all about the taste both times lol

And to be completely honest about the whole paranoia thing you guys are on about, if I was utterly paranoid I wouldn`t be on this website. They will eventually secure the web to the standards of the government IMO but don`t know when. When I first came on this site and saw all the growing setups I was suprised how brave everyone was to be honest.
Thats funny Friendly. I brushed my teeth on LSD and it was exhilarating, but I found out later my mouth was bleeding pretty badly.

Yeah, I read somewhere that salvia was traditionally only used a handful of times in ones lifetime because it is so powerful. Its in fact as potent as LSD, some would argue, and its legal.

Anyway, when I got arrested the second time the cops took a little baggie of salvia I was planning on trying because the whole Miley Cyrus incident had me wanting to try it, not because of S'Miley EyeBrush but because something so simple can be made so sinister by the media.

Lol mate soons as I put the glass down he would fill my glass up full as ever and give me a thumbs up, lol He did that at least 5 times and I was gone man... I was gone....

Nice story there and a good stash those cops blew!!

I always took massive tokes of salvia and held it in for ages but never got the same effects as you guys. I could see fractals and the taste of the salvia felt like it was turning all my body into pins and needles feeling. Kinda like the taste was travelling from my mouth to all around my body making it all vibrate. And the fractals I was seeing were in coordination with this vibrative feeling, kinda like they were dancing to it. It was all about the taste both times lol

And to be completely honest about the whole paranoia thing you guys are on about, if I was utterly paranoid I wouldn`t be on this website. They will eventually secure the web to the standards of the government IMO but don`t know when. When I first came on this site and saw all the growing setups I was suprised how brave everyone was to be honest.

YEAH! it was like needles on my right side! THATS the best way to explain it.

I just did a 10x cuz I figured it wouldnt make me trip balls.. I bought it for 24.99 at the smoke shop (what a fuckin riiiip!) the better looking 10x cost 29.99.. but i figured it was all the same just diff packaging..
i burned it.. but like. it didnt do shiit plus i was with a friend and i knew not to use much..
eventually it got to the point where neither of us were able to trip..
so i took the remaining stuff and packed the bowl.. and when i hit it.. it just reminded me why I hated it lmfao. I felt like.. the area I was in.. was trapping me.. and I couldnt move and was just Subject to forcefully riding this trip u know? (which makes me really happy for BEATING that feeling during my 3rd trip)
it lasted for 10 sec which was aweesome cuz I didnt like it..
I keep forgetting to close my eyes.. doing that will make you like.. See shiit thats not there and THATS when the cool ride begins..

I got into Lucid Dreaming couple months ago.. ALL you guys NEED to do it! look into it! oh my god! its JUST like REALITY but like.. you can control it! I swear man I lucid Dreamed for 3 days straight BUT! its dam near impossible to do if you sleep after you burned cuz its A SHIT TON harder to remember what you dreamed of.. so hard to remember that you wouldnt even think you had dreamed that night.

But dude i was in a car.. i woke up for a millisecond somehow and realized i was on my bed not driving.. than i was in my car driving.. so i closed my eyes in the car because I was in the wrong lane and I imagined the gym and I Spun around in my head (hard to explain) and BAM i ended up in the gym and I looked around cuz it looked so real! and i saw a hot membership counselor walk by and thats when i woke up (sucks waking up when you get all excited) haha

oo0o and I wasnt even planning on talking about growing I was just lurking all the time and after so many posts i was like "fuuck theres so much great information.. I should just post and join in and learn hella." (and of course smoke a bowl while going at it :P)
Still do- weed (duh), xanies, coke once in awhile
Past done- Ex, heroin, percs

My drug of choice when I was 18 was meth but I moved away from it and was clean for a few months got married (now divorced) and had a beautiful little boy (3 now) and that's enough to keep me off that shit. I don't do xanies when he's around EVER and coke would never be in the house at the same time as him EVER. I feel bad that I smoke weed but I've kind of grown a dependency to it, it helps me eat, and I'm a damn good mom and I know a lot of damn good moms that smoke weed too so it helps lol.
YEAH! it was like needles on my right side! THATS the best way to explain it.
I got into Lucid Dreaming couple months ago.. ALL you guys NEED to do it! look into it! oh my god! its JUST like REALITY but like.. you can control it! I swear man I lucid Dreamed for 3 days straight BUT! its dam near impossible to do if you sleep after you burned cuz its A SHIT TON harder to remember what you dreamed of.. so hard to remember that you wouldnt even think you had dreamed that night.

Yeh I done lucid dreaming twice or something in the past, it was crazy! I never thought of being somewhere and just whizzed away but was rather awake in my dream. Its really cool shit and light switches and watches fail to work in it, lol Haven`t done it for a while but im hearing a lot of people talk about it now, might give it another show. I used to go on a website called and remember seeing a tea you could buy and drink to increase the possibility of a lucid dream. I`ll have a look on the site now actually!

And coming down to salvia, I wasn`t completely out on it, I could move etc and was in the real world lol I figure everyone else has had a more intense experience than me :)

Edit: HisGirl420 Dude, I love that purple writing on your signature, WE DONT FEAR WHAT NO PLANT BROTHER!!!! AMEN!!
i would post a history but seeing as i cant remember periods of it id probably be filling in blanks with shit i could have done lol , there was a 3 month period when i was 16/17 that i lost to ganja - amphetamine - magic mushrooms - and a sprinkling of coke but how much and when escape me :) from the age of 13 to 17 i did pritty much anything i could get my hands on lol this included glue/paint/lighter gas,i remember being arrested because my friend smashed up the drain pipes on a church cause he said there were voices asking him to help them escape. last 12 years been quiet i smoke weed maybe every 3 - 6 months with a good friend, drink alcohol 1 time every 3 months but not when im smoking cuase i cant handle it anymore LOL, im going to try magic mushrooms again in the future and maybe try dmt. im also going to grow and smoke as many different types weed as i can :)

edit: i also remember standing in the middle of a road trying to catch the fish i saw jumping out of the drain, i had some good times :) thank you for this thread :clap:
Yeh I done lucid dreaming twice or something in the past, it was crazy! I never thought of being somewhere and just whizzed away but was rather awake in my dream. Its really cool shit and light switches and watches fail to work in it, lol Haven`t done it for a while but im hearing a lot of people talk about it now, might give it another show. I used to go on a website called and remember seeing a tea you could buy and drink to increase the possibility of a lucid dream. I`ll have a look on the site now actually!

And coming down to salvia, I wasn`t completely out on it, I could move etc and was in the real world lol I figure everyone else has had a more intense experience than me :)

Edit: HisGirl420 Dude, I love that purple writing on your signature, WE DONT FEAR WHAT NO PLANT BROTHER!!!! AMEN!!

yeah when I first started it was on accident.. I was aware of the transitional phase so i REALLY thought i got abducted by aliens because I was lifted off my bed and paralized.. but thats just how the phase feels when your body is going into sleep paralasis. I told my friend and hes like "dude here look into something thats actually REAL, its called Lucid Dreaming" I looked into it and my experience fit the exact description.

2nd time into it I closed my eyes and just focused on doing the same thing and I saw an image fading in, I was in an office laying down (cuz i was on my bed) a girl walks by and another girl to my right is sitting just typing up stuff she was like a secretary or somethin.

BUT i didnt know how to get up.. because my first time dreaming I said "is this real?" but i heard myself say it in reality so i was afraid if I tried to get up.. I would get up in reality and my dream would end right away.. and I also know not to stare at one point for a long time.. so i looked around and oh my gosh.. man its just crazy.. i was in a fucking office with two girls.. Consciously knowing I was REALLY in my bed.. but like.. when you lucid dream.. ur no longer in ur bed.. ur like.. in ur dream dude like.. moving.. looking.. speaking.. fuckin crazy dude.

and yeah i looked into those too.. anything thats a vasodilator could in essence help you lucid dream.

but i DID look into that shiit dude i wish i had THOSE herbs haha :P
i would post a history but seeing as i cant remember periods of it id probably be filling in blanks with shit i could have done lol , there was a 3 month period when i was 16/17 that i lost to ganja - amphetamine - magic mushrooms - and a sprinkling of coke but how much and when escape me :) from the age of 13 to 17 i did pritty much anything i could get my hands on lol this included glue/paint/lighter gas,i remember being arrested because my friend smashed up the drain pipes on a church cause he said there were voices asking him to help them escape. last 12 years been quiet i smoke weed maybe every 3 - 6 months with a good friend, drink alcohol 1 time every 3 months but not when im smoking cuase i cant handle it anymore LOL, im going to try magic mushrooms again in the future and maybe try dmt. im also going to grow and smoke as many different types weed as i can :)

edit: i also remember standing in the middle of a road trying to catch the fish i saw jumping out of the drain, i had some good times :) thank you for this thread :clap:

I surely laughed out loud at the church&drain thing. U sound like one of the heavy hitters hahahaha Good story!
i remember being arrested because my friend smashed up the drain pipes on a church cause he said there were voices asking him to help them escape

edit: i also remember standing in the middle of a road trying to catch the fish i saw jumping out of the drain, i had some good times :) thank you for this thread :clap:

This reminds me of the story of this dude up in Nor cal and he dropped acid and he thought there were Demons in his balls so he cut them off, he was found laying in a tub filled with cold water.

anyone else hear of that?
oh btw im sorry for going off topic about that lucid dreaming haha I made a Lucid Dream thread in the "TOKE N TALK" section :] check it out and type YOUR story! xP xD
I surely laughed out loud at the church&drain thing. U sound like one of the heavy hitters hahahaha Good story!

i used to be but sadly life takes hold, wife comes along, kids follow.
but in all honesty im not sure how i made it through some of that without dieing, i wouldnt change a single minute i fuckin loved every second :)
I have never drank or have done drugs until i was 18.

It was a few months after my 18th birthday I got high, I called up my older brother who blaze's frequently.
So I called him up and asked if i could come over to spend the night and just chill with him and his fiance, He said sure! So we went out to dinner at Outback stakehouse. We finished our dinners before we left... i was like Uh... can you get weed tonight?
He then replied saying i doubt it... Then his fiance was like yes we can! she picks up her cellphone and texts her dealer, 5 minutes later we get a text back saying to come pick it up.
We get there and im fucking nervous as hell!

She runs in and gets the stuff, Can I see it? I say in a nervous voice. She hands me it. I look down at this small little nug in this small little bag. My brother grabs it out of my hands then start's to exam it himself. "Yeah this is good shit *points at the thc crystals and shows me*
I hand him $20 "Will that be enough?" He says yes and smiles..

We then go to Walmart... I RUN MY ASS to the candy section (I've watched every single stoner movie I knew food tasted good when high) I get some kit-kats and snickers.
My brother gets cookie dough ice-cream and a chocolate cake.

We get home, He grabs the bong and packs the bowl. He tells me to suck a deep breath in of smoke and hold it for 30 seconds... I do so. "OMG YOU ARE A GHOSTER!" he yells then i blow it out slowly..
I start to feel the buzz come on, He is like okay 1 more hit and you will be good! I take another monster hit (ghosting it again my brother stats) This time i feel it come on fast! I feel light headed in a good way and feel like im floating.

We then proceed to watch movies all night and eat our junk food :)

Months after I did LSD and molly for the first time. I candy flipped, about 3 times that weekend. Oh and it was my first time getting drunk...
Months after that i wanted to try shrooms (after having such an amazing time on lsd) Bought some shrooms ate some caps and had a great trip.

Last week i tried meth (for some stupid reason) and hated it. I will never touch that shit ever again.

I am 19 now... and feel that i may have done to much drugs in such a short period of time. I'm still learning o_o and growing. I have more and more respect towards drugs and people everyday.
Ill make it easy for everyone.......................
Booze.......................... Y/n
special k......................y/n
e not pure....................y/n
pills etc.......................y/n
feel free to elaborate: