
Active Member
Wars are won on PR. It is my hope to openly grow a single simple plant. This will force people to question "How can a plant be evil?"

In order to achieve this goal the strain must be attractive to the eye, the nose, and kept less that one to two feet high. It is for demonstration not cultivation. Does anyone have a recommendation?


New Member
Grow a purple it Barney....and you should be all set. If the police show up, surround yourself with small children...that always helps.

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
If you preach in a closet you will never get the truth out of the house and into the open. Work to change the mind of one person with an opposing view and you begin to adjust society. Now do not get me wrong, I am not talking about creating a yard display. Just a single plant to demonstrate that it is not the monster from "Little Shop Of Horrors". These are the lies that are being spread. By showing a truthful example, no matter how small, these falsehoods will be overcome.

Call me a dreamer, call me crazy, but marching and protesting will not bring about legalization. Reaching out, one to one can.


Active Member
it sounds like you want to frame yourself as a martyr, but in reality you'll look like a fucking idiot.

Though a little a crude your thoughts are a welcomed and appreciated.

Unfortunately you give me far too much credit. It isn't my intention to bring myself down for the cause as it were. My technique is to be extremely small scale using just example and demystification. Also keep in mind, this is not about receration for me. It is about a very real medical need (high BP at a very early age, (190/140) no direct cause, nothing else seems to control it).

You do make me wonder. What are others doing to spread acceptance and legalization?