Presidential Warning on Debt Ceiling Increase

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The sky is falling?
yes it is.

you cannot be CERTAIN that it will be the worst thing to ever happen, it has never happened before. Ever heard of unintended consequences? Perhaps one of the consequences will be the end of wars, return of the troops, smaller more efficient government and freedom and liberty for all!
And perhaps it'll trigger a great depression and turn America into a third world country.


Well-Known Member
here we go beardo, once again you prove to me that you are unable to understand financial markets...

first of all, IF for some reason the US's credit rating is downgraded, we will HAVE to pay MORE to borrow money. how?? we'll have to take less money than a long term treasury note is worth b/c the required rate of return for investors gets higher as your credit rating gets lower. i'll let you figure it out. hint: google required rate of return.

not increasing the debt ceiling SOON will result in more of our money going to interest than what is happening now.

and we do not pay principal on our long term debt until the maturity date. it's the way it works. it's not like personal finance where you can pay into the principal at any time.... just saying...

you need to know the mechanics of how the system works before forming an opinion on it....
Your off because their is no need to raise the debt ceiling to prevent our credit rating from being down graded.


Well-Known Member
I watched the speech this morning he still wants more money to spend and promises more cuts in spending on domestic programs- am I the only one who thinks something sounds wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
I watched the speech this morning he still wants more money to spend and promises more cuts in spending on domestic programs- am I the only one who thinks something sounds wrong with that.
He's trying to argue for short term stimulus and long term fiscal restraint (including spending cuts, reforms and additional revenues) but he doesn't want to use the word "stimulus"; Seemed pretty clear to me... He says almost the same thing every speech, "investments in education, infrastructre, etc".... "Even as we continue to cut back and tighten our belt." blah blah blah


Shutting down the government kind of games were played in the 90's but the economy was strong at the time. This time the economy is down big time, and financial markets are far more nervous. This time there will be very different results if they continue to play games.

Bill Gross's right hand man Mohamed El-Erian, co-chief investment officer at Pacific Investment Management Co., which oversees $1.2 trillion in assets, told Reuters: “If not reversed within the next few days through crisis negotiations, this breakdown will be highly detrimental to the already-fragile health of both the US and global economies.”

With further spending cuts, sales go down more, more jobs are lost, and tax revenues fall more. When the $150 billion/month in govt spending stops in 2 weeks, sales fall, jobs are lost, and tax revenues fall, so spending is further cut, sales go down more, more jobs are lost, and tax revenues fall more, etc. etc. etc. until we reach a third world employment level.

If the US debt ceiling is not extended the drop in aggregate demand (spending) will take down most of the world economy.

Welcome to the real Great Depression II.