problem please help!!


Active Member
hi i am just about ready to grow i have my room all set up im just wiating for my beans to come (hashberry) but anyways i want to clone my plants but i only have one room to do this and i am wondering how am i going to know if i am cloneing a female wiht out flowering first? I am useing aeroponics adn i have room for 6 plants to grow in my armwoir. I was wondering if i could plant 6 plants then when they are still small put them into flowering untill i can see there first signs of sex. I will rip out all the males then keep the females but put the lighting back into 24 hours. Once the females go bakc into vegatative can i take cuttings and clone them? Also is there a way to keep a mother plant in a one rom grow room? I was setting up a grow room in my attic and there is two two foot flooresents and i was wondering if icould set up a bubble ponics bucket up quick and keep the mom up there? Please give any comments ill appreciate them.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
grow all your plants...
clone all your plants..

mark THE CLONES to the corresponsding plants...
FLOWER your plants....
throw away the MALE PLANTS and the corresponsing male clones..

This way you dont have to go back and forth bewtween vegging anbd flowering....

it is a little more work..but WHO gives a FOOK.. it will save you time in the long run.. and be better for your plants...

Yes you can set up a motyher or 2 mothers in a place all by themselves... wuth very little light.... a handful of CFLs....
