Professor Marijuana

outsiders been makin dimes in silence... if you aint got the balls- go work for walmart. and yes the "good old days" are brass on the titanic. sad but true, "I got a right to be hostile- my love is being gang raped by money hungry crocodiles" and in attempts to weed out the bad guy you sometimes become one
Put the crack pipe down.
Why a Brix meter for MJ? I understand that sudden steep drop-offs indicate a problem (which you said will show up before there are visual indications) so how do you determine what the problem is short of having a professional analysis ? Plus , I have grown specific strains and have found that some are better with 50/50 clear/amber triches while others are better with 25/75. To me it all depends on the strain and how the finished product feels to me. I don't see how a rigid brix level should be the sole reason to chop. Are there other advantages?
aww fuck... I'm sorry. I've been a turd... I want to love humanity but I have this addiction to rage I can't shake. I'll leave you all to yer educating now. I'll go crawl under my rock. sorry for the pointless bullshit.
I have read somewhere the Prof holds seminars, etc. Where can I get a calendar of scheduled seminars.

I wonder if the Prof would be interested in trading some sweat equity in exchange for some of his Cannabis knowledge? I have SkyMiles & will travel!!!

I guess what I'm proposing is to allow him to work my ass off for a week or so in Colorado and any knowledge I pickup along the way would be mine to keep.

Prof - you interested?
I believe you'll know more about me soon if you're in the UK area. BBC filmed an hour documentary on myself and an upcoming project. It's scheduled for release in jan I think, haven't been given a hard day yet. I believe I'm going to be speaking over yonder at a few places next season and give the US a break.
One of the things I love about cannabis is it's adaptabilty to conditions. Had a fence that was only three feet tall that had a walkway on the other side of it. Not real good for hiding the girls, so I took rebar and pounded it into the ground and then bent it over and just grew the plant sideways. Looked like a 100 colas popping out of the ground in the fall. I've grown it in buckets that I would hoist to the top of the trees just like a flag and lower them for watering, and I've grown in plain sight right under the nose of holy rolliers and hang plastic tomatoes on them. Has tomatoes must be a tomato plant.

Medicalb420 has some valid points but that is who I am, a annal retentive pot grower who had the good fortune to spend a lifetime getting as good as I could get without the presures of making a living. I use my name for a couple reasons. One is that I'm not afraid to be accountable for my words, Second, I'm god damned proud of the work I've done and the fights I've fought. Third is that there are some who are aware of who I am and it gives credibility to what I'm saying to them, forth, and probably most important is that somebody who is new and undecided can do a pretty easy search and check me out. I don't think there is a single thing I've said that isn't in print or on the net somewhere.

I believe it sets an example for others who have earned some degree of noteriety to follow suit and invest time. There were old timers who would help teach you when I was young but that has changed these days. Everyones a god damned consultant who charges doctor fees for half assed info learned over to short a time. It blows my mind that there is 40 plus years of hands on experience sitting here willing to help just to help and 80% of the time is not about growing. Why does anyone give a rats ass about a single thing other then the knowlege for the taking?
for myself, i think you along with a few others on here,have an interesting mind and a good heart. probably wouldnt learn that much from you on growing through a computer, but im sure i could pick up a thing or 2 and more in person. (lol why not make growvideos and post on youtube? easy enough and no arguing with you)
Are there folks who are saying that I don't know my shit? If not why does anything else make a bit of difference? My love of growing had much to do with the people who grew, not so much so today. Today, if I waant to help I must PROVE what I'm saying, do all the homework, provide detailed instructions, and give tours of my facilities while listening to their insults. Not in this lifetime.
ah, the we´ll just borrow for everything generation :) unfortunetly mine :)
I've offered to answer every question, decribe ever element and even walk thru a grow to anyone who is willing. I could push a couple buttons and upload a detailed instruction manual from a seminar for them to see and it wouldn't make a damned bit of difference. If you don't make an investmeent you won't receive any gain. It's one thing to know how but entirely different thing to know why. Growers who spend the energy to learn why are the ones who will excell. Those who just want the how so they can make a bunch of money will crash and burn everytime.
humm...quite many people are just shaved monkeys really, not much other than a inflated ego.
I'll jump off the box now. For those growers who want to learn get with it because this is getting old quick and it's rediculous waste of mine and many other good peoples time. You want to know how to do what I do then get some thoughts together and ask me how, and why. There isn't a damned thing I've said that isn't exactly what I can do. And there isn't a single thing I won't share if asked but I won't do it all for you. Nor will I validate them proving a single word, if you think it's crap then go away and waste somebody elses time.
humm. back in the old days, you wouldnt meet the shaved monkeys, but with the internet and ease of technology, just about anyone can grow (or attempt it)
plus, cannabis is like easy gold, sure to attract lot of fools.. "i just water a plant and then get money?!"
...personally ive found entertaining such nonsense and arguements a waste of time and would just ignore it if i was teaching (Fraid my methods are bit too yucky for most sissies (i use urine f.e) and i dont really have the years of experience to feel all that comfortable about teaching (plus usually i just dab a bit of urine into any problem and its solved lol)

That should fuel ten pages of lessons on how I should learn to be humble and zero on growing pot. I'll try hard to pass by the shit and answer grow stuff, if there's no help needed I'll spend my time elsewhere.
well, saying "im the god of cannabis" or something like, well, its bit often a waste of time being around those kinda people, most of the time going into selfboasting.
but being truthful about being a damn good grower is humble enough, if its true.

but a damn good grower would not really need to declare this (btw those buds in the avatar are so unreal they look photoshopped, only once seen their equal (in some journal online ive lost the link to, 600w grow)

what?! we stopped?
Fame is a funny thing, I have spent a lot of time fighting it but now I'm about ready to start using it while it's there. I've had it all wrong untill about 5 years ago when I had a light bulb turn on. Five yars of research, working, planning, financing is about to be unleashed on the cannabis community.
might as well use it, since you are stuck with it ;) not so bad either in your case, not a zoofreak in a moving circus that goes from hotel to hotel. you lose some stuff, but you gain certain other things, if you are into that, though with fame of your sort, i dont think that much would change, apart from a few surface things.
We've been shamed into believing that profiting from pot is evil. Our own people have shown that right here on me. I'm only here to make money, not so in this case but so what if it were true. IT'S HIGH TIME WE MAKE A DIME, is what I say. God forbid we create industry and jobs, earn revenue and decrease the cost of jailing potheads. Before you know it there would be money for education and health care, udder nonsense. lmfao
humm, would rather have a society without money (as there can be no rich without poor) but, since we are stuck with it,for now, well, selling pot being shameful is news to me, tons of things that would pop into mind being shameful to sell, before pot.. lol..:) in fact, there is sort of grandeur to selling pot *in comparison to most everything else*..

its medicine and high quality medicine to boot, its a mind expander, inducive to meditation and thinking out of the box, fantastic for the creative minds as well.
not too mention a great break from the norm, truly ganja is a gift from the gods (if they were really beneficially cool dudes and babes, that is)

..actually anything the government says, can be scratched out of one´s head without a hesitation and all the bullshit and nonsense that goes with that show.
and i think more and more people are, finally, seeing that...

No the Professoe isn't at RIU to make money but that doesn't mean that 43 years of knowledge and inssight won't allow for that. You want to create change in these dumb ass laws? The way to do it is by showing the economic power of this community as a whole. Money talks and Bullshit walks.
im rather fonder of the "overgrow the government" idea..imagine everyone that smokes, growing and since some would grow more, plenty would be for patients (and for free)
i understand where you are coming from though.. just damn tired of the higher echelons and their damn bullshit, how do you intend to match the big bucks anyway?
..ive tried bit myself pushing growing on people, dont how much its thanks to me, but personal growing around these parts has apparantly skyrocketed (though the people i talked to (and got some of them growing) are uberpeople persons :)

I'm here now due to a much earned breather, the calm before the storm.good luck My generation copped out and dropped the torch. I don't want to pass the torch, I want to put the fucking thing outlol, fuck yeah!goddamn tired of that "torch". I came back to RIU to get a pulse on the growing community and I'll admit I was very bummed at first.was at first, but this place grows on you, there are "more hospitable forums" though and 1 or 2 quite good (i multiforum) The feeling of good that has always surrounded the growing community felt like it was gone.not quite :) Replaced by the same ugly attitude the is pervasive in our world today. Conflict and hostility without purpose. But I was wrongyup :), slowly but surely the goodness of this herb and the people who have tended to it is alive and well. Those who are willing to strive for greatness, who will sacrifce, labor, and study in an effort to improve are still there. I rarely hear talk about money other then the haters, not much from the ones trying to learn.
yes, im really happy with where this forum is heading :)
Like I said, you were wrong from the start, could care less about making money here, gaining fame, stoking ego's or anyth

umm, if you are talking to me, well, i dont give a rat´s ass about fame or money (sucks to have no house and food though and i do like my computer and grow, so i need bit money lol :))

and you do seem bit too clever to fall all too much for that claptrap ;)

i do not waste my time on haters, they punish themselves enough, simply by being themselves.

and fools spending their life on pursuits of gold will wake up one day to an empty life and not understand why, even if they got all they ever wanted and desired.

not realising its what you Need, thats important.
aww fuck... I'm sorry. I've been a turd... I want to love humanity but I have this addiction to rage I can't shake. I'll leave you all to yer educating now. I'll go crawl under my rock. sorry for the pointless bullshit.

Dude, I tried to "like" your post, but seemed stupid.."like" rage? No, I too feel the beast
sometimes. I'll just say, I feel you, man. Peace. Takes big ones to add a post like this.
aww fuck... I'm sorry. I've been a turd... I want to love humanity but I have this addiction to rage I can't shake. I'll leave you all to yer educating now. I'll go crawl under my rock. sorry for the pointless bullshit.
lol :) yeah, ive been there, still sometimes am, try venting your rage into something, computer games or some sport ;) (and that and having a few more tokes before you say anything lol (thats what i do))
Dude, I tried to "like" your post, but seemed stupid.."like" rage? No, I too feel the beast
sometimes. I'll just say, I feel you, man. Peace. Takes big ones to add a post like this.

hehe, i liked it just for that, wanting to change is the first step :) ...anyways, being full of rage, hurts you more than anyone else (unless you get really physical..(well, even then, in the end its gonna suck more for the rager than the ragee), funnily, most times ive gotten angry(by the time i was a rageaholic), was really from a misunderstanding, once you are in constant rage (always boiling under the surface) you just snap at most anything :)

so its really stupid and embarassing later ;)

I pm'ed you can you help me.

It is these situations where everyone can put their slams aside and join together. From the view of accused with expert wit does it take on a little different feel then the bs floating around? This is where we can all make ourselfs felt. I help pro-bone how about the haters match my standard fees I am waiving with cash to fund a defence? Like to take a guess at the amount of their combined contributions will be? Talk and accusations are damned cheap my friends "SHOW ME YOUR WORK" Can't wait for the heartfelt factbased reasons why I'm all wrong on this one, each and everyone of those calling me a money gruber and a fake can now demonstrate their willingness to makes a difference and have an impact in real terms. Who's full of shit now? Lines to the left, no pushing, plenty of room for all of you.

Chicken shit charges, this has to change it is a shame to our country. Don't they realize their on the end of the reefer madness film.
outsiders been makin dimes in silence... if you aint got the balls- go work for walmart. and yes the "good old days" are brass on the titanic. sad but true, "I got a right to be hostile- my love is being gang raped by money hungry crocodiles" and in attempts to weed out the bad guy you sometimes become one

Bullshit. Becoming the,m only validates them. Gangsta can be condoned depending on who feels like their right? Is anyone old enough to recall MLK, Ghandi. Bobby Kenedy. I'd rather my kids see a community helping those in need then I would having them watch someone who is judge jury and executioner shoot their version of the bad guy

"I do not like your christians, they are so unlike your Christ" Ghandi

"when the power of love exceeds the love of power we will know peace" J Hindrix

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for you country? JFK

WTF People, anyone grow weed?
Why a Brix meter for MJ? I understand that sudden steep drop-offs indicate a problem (which you said will show up before there are visual indications) so how do you determine what the problem is short of having a professional analysis ? Plus , I have grown specific strains and have found that some are better with 50/50 clear/amber triches while others are better with 25/75. To me it all depends on the strain and how the finished product feels to me. I don't see how a rigid brix level should be the sole reason to chop. Are there other advantages?

Damn a pot question, very cool. At seminars I speak of learning to speak the language of marijuana. If you watch a new mother when her child falls down it will be completely different watching when her forth kid does the same thing. That is the wisdom that you can't read from a book but only learn by doing. It is why I say you need to learn the why's not just the hows. If I get a reading from the brix meter and send a drop coming I can start the process of elimination before the plant even shows a thing. If I don't uncover an error I watch for emerging signs. Color, drooping leaves, water ph movement. I talk to the plants, or mor accurately, I listen to them, most times they'll tell you what's wrong, and most times it's our screw up not the plants. If it turns out to have been a root rot forming and I had to wait three days for the plant to tell me it could be the difference between having a crop or starting over. An outstanding tool for the next generation of cultivators. We should look for help in all the simular fields. $100, 1/4 zip, no brainer stray bit offtopic yaself.

its not that.. guys like jesus, ghandi and such dont impress..

and obviously changed the world...but.. its been 2000 years since jesus, india still sucks and lennon was killed, songs of love or not.

the lords now are in the process of taking everything. and it makes one wonder, should we be patient and make yet another sacrifice in the name of loving all?
or should we just take fucking advantage of the fact that they are 1% and we the 99%?

but, then again, stopping short of revolution, not all of the 99% are good people, nor am i sure the 99% could build a better world, so.

why bother?

soo, how do you get such big buds?

and, how is the quality of such big buds? do such big buds retain any quality compared to real high quality strains ? (often with somewhat smaller buds, i read)
aww fuck... I'm sorry. I've been a turd... I want to love humanity but I have this addiction to rage I can't shake. I'll leave you all to yer educating now. I'll go crawl under my rock. sorry for the pointless bullshit.

Any shrooms under your rock. There's good everywhere if you just look brother.