Prop 19 didn't pass!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I am very proud of my fellow Californians.
Enjoy your new AG. I'm sure you and Cooley will get along great. California is going to be real different place now. If prop 19 passed he'd have had for profit ops to worry about. Now he has time to focus on shutting down medical collectives all over the state.

Today was a big win for prohibition. Congrats.


Active Member
Enjoy your new AG. I'm sure you and Cooley will get along great. California is going to be real different place now. If prop 19 passed he'd have had for profit ops to worry about. Now he has time to focus on shutting down medical collectives all over the state.

Today was a big win for prohibition. Congrats.
It must burn you that you lost. I am sorry I still believe in a growers chance to make a decent living. Must be that American spirit that you don't have. I don't want to see factories full of minimum wage workers pushing out thousands of pounds of weed. Keep marijuana to those who don't abuse it.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It must burn you that you lost.
I didn't lose. We all lost. Some of us just don't know it yet.

I am sorry I still believe in a growers chance to make a decent living.
I make a living off of growing. I believe in that too. We probably just lost that tonight. At least the legal protections that collectives provide.

Must be that American spirit that you don't have.
Yeah, that must be it. :dunce:

I don't want to see factories full of minimum wage workers pushing out thousands of pounds of weed.
Because there aren't large scale grows all over California now right....

Keep marijuana to those who don't abuse it.
Right. The current system now isn't being abused. Dispensaries aren't selling moldy buds for $65 an 1/8.

Now Cooley doesn't have to worry about for profit growing/dispensaries he can come after all of us.

What a great day. Let's celebrate. Here's to prohibition! May we all forever be treated as criminals!


Active Member
Dan Kone- You say a lot but none of it means anything me. And how can you call yourself a grower when you want to lose your job? Can you compete with $40-$50 ounces?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dan Kone- You say a lot but none of it means anything me. And how can you call yourself a grower when you want to lose your job? Can you compete with $40-$50 ounces?
Depends on the quality. I never could compete in the mass produced schwagg market anyways. Always a demand for the good shit.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Looks like there was a mistake! Everyone called the CA attorney general race too soon! with 89% of the vote in it just reversed!

Kamala D. Harris (Dem) 3,035,482 46.1%
Steve Cooley (Rep) 3,003,412 45.6%

If Kamala wins I can live with prop 19 failing. I hope she turns the whole state into San Francisco!


Active Member
Looks like there was a mistake! Everyone called the CA attorney general race too soon! with 89% of the vote in it just reversed!

Kamala D. Harris (Dem) 3,035,482 46.1%
Steve Cooley (Rep) 3,003,412 45.6%

If Kamala wins I can live with prop 19 failing. I hope she turns the whole state into San Francisco!
Have some faith in this state :)


Well-Known Member
stupid election results page!!! stop saying close contest already!!:cuss:

bloody hell... 45,000ish votes is a damn slim margin.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
stupid election results page!!! stop saying close contest already!!:cuss:

bloody hell... 45,000ish votes is a damn slim margin.
San Bernardino might fuck us all over. 41.5% of the vote in. Cooley ahead by a lot.

91.5% of the vote in. Harris ahead by a small margin. I can't make it. Must sleep. GL


Well-Known Member
San Bernardino might fuck us all over. 41.5% of the vote in. Cooley ahead by a lot.

91.5% of the vote in. Harris ahead by a small margin. I can't make it. Must sleep. GL
/me adds more hours of sleep to his post-mortem task list.

Must.... know.... results.... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
OK... can't make it. 93.8% reported in and 46.2% v. 45.5%. I seriously hope Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties don't screw things up. GL everyone.


Well-Known Member
congratulations fellow californians, you've managed to assure that the dark ages remain firmly in place. the defeat of prop 19 is a testament to both the gullibility of the masses and the greed of the little guy. how many more folks do you think will be imprisoned while we wait for another chance at the brass ring? while you smug medical users gloat over your fraud, the rest of us will just have to keep wondering at every knock on the door. while you small time growers protect your precious profits, the individual grower will just have to keep the grow lights burning in the closet. while all of you uber-liberal fools are demanding free herb for all, we simple working folks will just have to keep on hiding our stash. you really should be ashamed, but you won't be. you'll claim it as a victory over corporate greed or some such silly rationalization. you'll swear that a better bill is on the way and that the compromises of 19 were too much of an imposition.

the forces behind this prohibition are laughing at you simpletons. while reaching for the gold, you've let that brass ring pass you by. yes, it was just brass. it was slightly tarnished and didn't shine as much as we would have liked, but it was a stepping stone and you just ignored its promise. tomorrow's news may very well bring us a new crackdown on your precious medical rights, but you'll still gloat that you've denied someone else their profits. you'll whine over how unfair those evil leos are being, but you're the ones who have supplied them with their ammunition. what short-sighted wanna-bes you are.