Pruning branches during flower


Well-Known Member
at week 6 the plant doesnt need that many fan leaves, it is concentating on buds not growth. if theyblock light, remove them.


Well-Known Member
at week 6 the plant doesnt need that many fan leaves, it is concentating on buds not growth. if theyblock light, remove them.
To each their own, but unless they are dying, I would not remove fan leaves. Better to just tuck them out of the way so that they can still help with photosynthesis.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Plus the shadows our eyes see do not matter to the plant. PAR light penetrates through the leaves. To what depth or degree depends on the wattage of the light.


Well-Known Member
Dozer777 thats perfect about chopped branch in the you will get more yield of buds..i ve always prune lower branch all the time, no hermie, nada :D Hope you will have a good harvest :D


Active Member
Thanks Izoc glad to hear it was the right thing to do. Was a little nervous but, learn as you go I guess.


Well-Known Member
Im confused by everyone saying go ahead, ive always been told that you should never prune in flower as it retards growth and dimishes overall harvest?


at week 6 the plant doesnt need that many fan leaves, it is concentating on buds not growth. if theyblock light, remove them.
im not expert im just beginner. but i think plants need their leaves in every stage. leaves are feeds every part of plant. including roots and flowers. all the energy, most of enzyms,all the food building in leaves. so i think they should stay. specially leaves which are close the bud and flower. every one leave primarily feeds their own stem.

once again im not expert those are just what i think.


Active Member
cool thanks ! Sorry for the late reply ...
I took off a bunch of fan leaves last grow taking a so called indoor grower friends advice. He don't know shit! I would never whack a leaf again unless it's almost dead. Even the ones with yellowing only get the tips cut off. Could of had a better harvest if not for chopping fan leaves off 5 weeks into flower. Lesson learned for me. Also, if you keep em" green no yellow dying leaves. I'm currently 5 weeks since switch to 12/12 no yellow here on any of my ladies!

