Putting the myth to the test: Certo to pass a drug test

Does CERTO pass a drug test

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Well it all depends on your body fat content how much you smoke whether you need to dilute with water or not. FAKE PEE WONT WORK FOR A PROBATION URINE ANALYSIS SINCE THEY HAVE TO VIEW YOU MAKE CONTACT FROM YOUR PRIVATE PARTS TO THE CUP SOO PLEASE STOP SUGGESTING IT. A combination of water cranberry pills as well as niacin ( no niacin the day of) will help you pass certo is only good for a three hour window. I weigh 120 pounds height has nothing to do with ot but im 5'8" i have passed two test ( for probation) so far and the following day took a home test. I passed the probation test but failed the home test. Taking a multivitamin or a b complex vitamin will help you from failing for dilution.
This is an old thread. That person is long gone.
OK on Friday 1 day ago I did crack coke meth heroin I smoked alot of weed and a d.. I was called on Saturday that I needed to go to probation for a surprise piss test so freaking out I did the certo at 5.30 am drank lots of water pee alot and took 10 b12 vitamins.. I guess someone turned me in for using . They were ready to haul my ass off to jail.. But instead I came up clean as a whistle with a 13 panel piss cup... And they let me leave
.3 times they asked me to pee in a row and all 3 times I was clean.. I guess an undercover informant ratted me out... 5.25.2018 certo worked 10 stArs hell 1 million stars lolol I couldn't believe it
certo worked for me when i was on probation back in 2001-2003.

i used to visit the man and then smoke up for a few days. then go back to abstinence. i read up about certo, bought some home pee tests and start running experiments. i decided it worked and pee'd my dirty urine at probation with the man watching. it worked. i smoke the remainder of my time on probation.

if you are gonna try this for legal reasons, test at home for reassurance.

if for employment, use synthetic urine.
Me and my friend have been at a debate about whether or not certo works for passing a drug test. He doesn't listen to actual facts on why it wouldn't work, so we are conducting an experiment. (He's willing to put his freedom on the line with certo (probation), and p.s. his PO does NOT take diluted piss)

We are going to conduct an experiment. We both are everyday tokers. I am going to go buy 2 at home THC tests. For the first one, he i going to only use 1 packet of certo, with NO water diliution because he believes its the certo and not the water allowing him to pass.
I will be using certo, and DILUTING with it...as I read about everyone doing when using certo, which is why it works...go figure)

I'm going to post the results on here, because I GUARENTEE that certo does NOTHING for passing a drug test...its the dilution that allows you to pass a drug test.

Anyone got any comments about using Certo to pass? I'm 100% against that it indeed does NOT work.

If you are talking about Certo Sure Jell Detox, - I must say it is a genius product!!! I followed the instructions and I am happily passed. I didn’t smoke for 7 days and the second line had been faint. I am on my 10th day now and have more 2 weeks until the drug test at my office. I eat before taking it so that it sticks to the bile. I think it is important to follow it if you are using Certo Sure Jell Detox, I found about this product here and it's really helpful to know, especially when you try it for the first time
You might beat one of those instant read drug testing cups with certo but you won't beat a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry test and nowadays many places are using saliva tests.
If you are talking about Certo Sure Jell Detox, - I must say it is a genius product!!! I followed the instructions and I am happily passed. I didn’t smoke for 7 days and the second line had been faint. I am on my 10th day now and have more 2 weeks until the drug test at my office. I eat before taking it so that it sticks to the bile. I think it is important to follow it if you are using Certo Sure Jell Detox, I found about this product here and it's really helpful to know, especially when you try it for the first time
Don't anything about Certo Sure Jell Detox , but of my friend used once Sure Jell to Pass a Drug Test for Weed. In this article, we will be focusing on how to use Certo in order to pass a urinary drug test with the Certo for THC detox method being designed to remove drug toxins from the body on a temporary basis. I really recommend this method
Okay guys I know this post is ancient, OP is long gone, whatever. Obviously this thread is still relevant since it's 2021 and it popped up with my search. I have a drug test tomorrow with a hospital (healthcare professional career) and I'm not sure how elaborate their urine drug tests are. That being said, I've been dabbing daily for the past 3-4 months. I only smoke wax, occasionally flower, and nothing else (no edibles, no tinctures, etc). I'm trying the certo method, debating doubling down last minute due to how much I smoke. Either way, I'm only going 24 hours before my test without smoking so wish me luck and I will report back with my results when I know them.
Okay guys I know this post is ancient, OP is long gone, whatever. Obviously this thread is still relevant since it's 2021 and it popped up with my search. I have a drug test tomorrow with a hospital (healthcare professional career) and I'm not sure how elaborate their urine drug tests are. That being said, I've been dabbing daily for the past 3-4 months. I only smoke wax, occasionally flower, and nothing else (no edibles, no tinctures, etc). I'm trying the certo method, debating doubling down last minute due to how much I smoke. Either way, I'm only going 24 hours before my test without smoking so wish me luck and I will report back with my results when I know them.

Buy fake pee at a headshop.
Okay guys I know this post is ancient, OP is long gone, whatever. Obviously this thread is still relevant since it's 2021 and it popped up with my search. I have a drug test tomorrow with a hospital (healthcare professional career) and I'm not sure how elaborate their urine drug tests are. That being said, I've been dabbing daily for the past 3-4 months. I only smoke wax, occasionally flower, and nothing else (no edibles, no tinctures, etc). I'm trying the certo method, debating doubling down last minute due to how much I smoke. Either way, I'm only going 24 hours before my test without smoking so wish me luck and I will report back with my results when I know them.
Lol thought about doing that one time. But my career wasn't worth the chance. Def curious to know if it works.
I think if it works or not depends entirely on how cheap the test is and your metabolism.

These days tests have gotten pretty solid, I would definitely swing by a headshop and grab one of the synthetic urine kits.
Okay guys I know this post is ancient, OP is long gone, whatever. Obviously this thread is still relevant since it's 2021 and it popped up with my search. I have a drug test tomorrow with a hospital (healthcare professional career) and I'm not sure how elaborate their urine drug tests are. That being said, I've been dabbing daily for the past 3-4 months. I only smoke wax, occasionally flower, and nothing else (no edibles, no tinctures, etc). I'm trying the certo method, debating doubling down last minute due to how much I smoke. Either way, I'm only going 24 hours before my test without smoking so wish me luck and I will report back with my results when I know them.
how did it go? I failed testing with the certo flower only no edible or dab.
Lol thought about doing that one time. But my career wasn't worth the chance. Def curious to know if it works.
Be glad you didn't risk it, it did NOT work for me, likely due to the fact that I dab and it's extremely difficult to clear from your system lol. Very annoying to be penalized for doing something legal though, I even have my medical card
I only smoke concentrate. Followed the Certo method to a T. The amount of fluid you have to drink will make you feel so sick and bloated, fair warning. I did NOT pass, oh well! bongsmilie The testing system was likely more elite as I'm a healthcare professional and the hospital likely had top-notch tests/detection ability
I did not know it was for flower only. I only dab for potency and cost. I did not pass the drug test lol :( Followed the certo steps to a T
no i was saying i smoke flower only and still failed. it dosnt work. i would have warned you if i saw the thread 2 days earlier, sorry you failed
I only smoke concentrate. Followed the Certo method to a T. The amount of fluid you have to drink will make you feel so sick and bloated, fair warning. I did NOT pass, oh well! bongsmilie The testing system was likely more elite as I'm a healthcare professional and the hospital likely had top-notch tests/detection ability
Yah they use the same equipment the military does for drug test. They’re able to detect masking agents, dilution ie the amount of creatine in your pee and various other things. If your in good shape and low bf you can drink a gal and a half of water a day and run at least 3 miles a day up until the test day and you’ll pass given you have at least 3 weeks in advance. Lower the bf the faster it’ll clear. I was a urinalysis coordinator in the military so I have a fairly good understanding of what its able to test for.