Question about nutes/flowering


My plants are about 10-11 weeks old. I've only added nutes one time at about 5 weeks and they didn't take well to it. In fact all of my plants still have the claw. I put them in flowering 4 day ago, now im wondering when or how do i know when i need to add more nutes?

BTW - The soil is FFOF which is apparenty nutrient rich and plant height 9"


Well-Known Member
Plants will exhibit certain symptoms when they require nutes.

Look for discolourations on leaves as an indication.

If leaves start to get pale taking on a lighter shade of green for example.

Your plants are looking a little over fed but that's just your soil providing the nutes.

Remember anytime you up pot the plant into a bigger container you are re-enriching the nutes in the pot.

Most quality soils provide enough nutes for anything between 1 week and a few months depending upon brand etc.



Well-Known Member
I run FFOF and don't feed until week 6 in veg. ive got 8 weeks before feeding. I veg for 8-9 weeks and flower for 9-10 weeks.