Question about risk


Active Member
Ok I know that paranoia can be a good/bad thing. I've read the FAQ's and I have not told a soul about my grow room. But I'm also a planner, and I want to be prepared for worst case scenario.

I know most of these responses are going to be speculation, but I'll take it for what it is. What is a typical sentence for someone that gets busted growing a small amount of plants. By small I'm talking less than 10 trees. No history of ANY prior criminal record, and in a state where marijuana is decriminalized. I know it will depend on the judge, but I want to know if there is like a mandatory 30 years sentence or something really out of this world.

With weighing the benefits of growing, and risks of getting caught I think this could be beneficial.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Where do you live ? And 10 trees is not a small thing imo. I have two just for personal use and a hobby. It keeps me out of trouble :)

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Ten trees could easily yield a pound. I think that might be pushing it if you're worried about it. Might want to start smaller. I do know in the state of Virginia that the formal charge is the same whether you grow one plant or 100 (manufacturing). Whether or not a judge would be more lenient with a smaller amount I'm not sure.


Well-Known Member
Yea you can look up the precise laws/sentences on NORML's website for your state. That's probably the best answer you can get. But <10 plants in a state where it's decriminalized? Probably not bad at all. The biggest factor would be if they got you on bullshit distribution charges, rather than just possession. If they can 'prove' distribution for you, you'll be in a much worse position. To protect against that: Don't sell, and don't have any materials that appear to be for selling (scale, baggies, etc.).

Oh and if you're within a certain distance of ANYTHING having to do with children (parks, schools, playgrounds... god knows what else) then you're truly fucked. That carries a minimum sentence NO MATTER WHAT in a lot of states, so definitely look that up and make sure you're all clear. That law fucks more people over than you'd ever expect, because they consider tons of different stuff as a 'park' or whatever.


Well-Known Member
10 plants is not to big , always depense on ur state and country . if u got 1 light ur sentence should not be very hot . probably a fine to pay