Question about rockwool in a hydro system


Sorry if this is already posted somewhere but I have a hard time navigating the site still

I have a hydro setup using the aero jet sprayer style. I started the germination in rockwool. When they were big enough I put them into clay pellets, still keeping them in the rockwool and started on my way with my hydro system.
I was thinking about it, I really dont want to get root rot. It has been 2 weeks and the babies look great, big and beautiful and green.

Should I transfer them out of the rock wool to put them into the clay pellets by themselves or should I leave the rock wool through out the entire plants life. Two are going to be mothers and the others are going to be "consumed".

(I'm a newbie, please use elementary words so that I can be on the same page)

Thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
How would you take your plants out of the rockwool? Leave them in there.
ya taking them out would kill them. Where did you hear rockwool = rot? also make sure there is enough clay in between the mist and the rockwool. it is a wicking type of medium. Just like if you grab a paper towel, put a corner of the towel in water. it will suck up the water till its saturated. rockwool will do the same.


Well-Known Member
Leave them in there , hard to get out anyway ,
After about a month the rockwool will be broken apart and won't matter either way ,