QUESTION For Miracle-Gro Organic users...


Active Member
This is not a politic thread.

Do you live on this planet? Everything is political, or you're a sheep. Go be herded and "prefer not to discuss politics"

You vote with your money, if you buy Monsanto or any other corporate conglomerate, you support their boot on your face forever.


Active Member
Interesting. In this case I believe what I see. MG has produced great plants so far. Lets see, maybe I should disregard proof over biased or even ignorant opinions. What are you going to do, sue me for using MG? Put up or shut up! oh & for you who fear the neon green plant...FYI that's call LED effect. If you shine a white light on it guess what happens. wow, it turns ordinary healthy green. So to all you nubies out there. MG is just as good as any soil just pay attention to your watering. I water the plants in cups around every 2-3 days. I water the ones in the 5 gal buckets every 3-4 days. Follow the indications on your nutes & you'll b good. I bought MG nutes , All purpose & bloom. That's right All the products are MG and my plants are thriving...imagine that.


Well-Known Member
well post this info somewhere where its useful, this is organic, not noobs, or general growing, this isnt the place for miracle grow discussions period. the is ORGANIC GROWING not growing with mg. so whats your point? what point are you trying to make? your preaching mg on a forum for organic growing, closing thread for redundancy.


Well-Known Member
I'm in So Cal, a bag of FoxFarm runs $18 + tax. Roots Organic cost about the same. Miracle-Gro runs about $8. Kellogg's Patio Plus which is available at Home Depot and Lowes runs even cheaper at $6 a bag, and I prefer it over Miracle-Gro because it has forest compost, kelp, worm castings, and bat guano. Super Soil is another good brand, but I like Kellogg the best. I've grown it side by side against FF and I think Kellogg performed as good or better. I just can't justify using FF or Roots at $18 anymore. It's great soil, just to expensive.
I've had the same results with the patio's good shit...i'm having better results with Black Gold


Well-Known Member
Interesting. In this case I believe what I see. MG has produced great plants so far. Lets see, maybe I should disregard proof over biased or even ignorant opinions. What are you going to do, sue me for using MG? Put up or shut up! oh & for you who fear the neon green plant...FYI that's call LED effect. If you shine a white light on it guess what happens. wow, it turns ordinary healthy green. So to all you nubies out there. MG is just as good as any soil just pay attention to your watering. I water the plants in cups around every 2-3 days. I water the ones in the 5 gal buckets every 3-4 days. Follow the indications on your nutes & you'll b good. I bought MG nutes , All purpose & bloom. That's right All the products are MG and my plants are thriving...imagine that.

I see your point exactly, I’ve used MG in the past when I first grew giant health plants with frosty buds... These days I prefer organics for all the obvious reasons.

I’m a diehard organic gardener and I can’t understand why some people get sobent out of shape about MG…if you’re opposed to it simply don’t use it ….but give the guy a break "malignat" we're all here to learn something even if the topic has been categorized incorrectly


Well-Known Member
well post this info somewhere where its useful, this is organic, not noobs, or general growing, this isnt the place for miracle grow discussions period. the is ORGANIC GROWING not growing with mg. so whats your point? what point are you trying to make? your preaching mg on a forum for organic growing, closing thread for redundancy.
You’re probably right, but why are you being such an asshole about it?...if you're not into don’t read it, you should probably consider being a little less negative and maybe a little more helpful to the OP


Well-Known Member
its just untidy to have things out of place and this place should be neat and tidy.. everything cultivation oriented should be, clean forum, clean kitchen, clean growroom.


Well-Known Member
a lot more than a tad..
Sorry to hear that. In an empathetic way. My wife has minor instances of OCD, and it drives me NUTS!!!!!

It sucks knowing something is wrong, and telling yourself the behaviour is wrong, but not being able to do anything about it ( In severe cases)


Active Member
Hey Hank Dank. I have a suggestion for you with any kind of soil. Neem cake. Amend it with whatever mix you make. Works wonders and has tons of available nutrients for marijuana growth. Little goes a long way.


Active Member
If you have gnats increase the acidity of the soil with lemon juice or lime juice or better yet coffee grounds which provides nitrogen also. I learned this with my worm castings when the soil is alkaline gnats thrive. Also patchouli, cedar wood, peppermint works.

Here is a list I have compiled of natural pest controls from various sources. Unfortunatley I can not take credit.

Ants: peppermint, coffee

Aphids: cedar wood, peppermint, spearmint

Beetles: peppermint, thyme

Cutworm: thyme sage

Fleas: peppermint, lemon-grass, lavender, rosemary

Flies: lavender, peppermint, rosemary, sage

Gnats: patchouli, cedar wood, peppermint

Lice: peppermint

MITES orange peel and extract ingredient of neem oil - azadirachtin

Mosquitoes: lavender, lemon-grass, eucalyptus, cypress, lemon, orange, cedar wood, peppermint, geranium

Moths: cedar wood, peppermint, lavender, and even a glass of wine

Roaches - Baking soda and powdered sugar mixed in equal parts

Slugs: cedar wood. Fir (pine)

Ticks: clove, lemon-grass, sage, thyme

Weevils: cedar wood, patchouli, sandalwood

Cucumbers are a natural and generally non-toxic way to repel or get rid of bugs including ants, wasps, mites, moths, flies and other insects.

Barriers act like barbed wire to keep crawling pests, such as ants, out. These include garlic - grind it up with water and apply - cayenne pepper, cinnamon, powdered charcoal, bone meal, talcum powder or chalk. Keep in mind that different pests have different aversions, so you'll have to see what substance works best with the ones trying to sneak into your home.

Diatomaceous earth is made up of the fossilized remains of diatoms, single-cell organisms. The glass-like nature of diatomaceous earth makes it one of the oldest forms of insecticide. The sharp surfaces cut through the insect cuticle and the insect dies of dehydration. Diatomaceous earth kills earwigs, ants and box elder bugs. Since it's non-discriminate when it kills, be sure to only apply it just to the ground surface where you think insects are overstaying their welcome.

A natural fly catcher related to wine is to put something sickly sweet like mango peels in the bottom of narrow-necked wine bottles. The flies can fly in, but can't fly out.
You can even make your own fly paper. Boil water, sugar and corn syrup together. Spread the extra-sticky mixture on brown paper grocery bags and voila you have your own fly paper which will trap flies.

Vinegar is a great herbicide. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar - white is best since it won't stain; you certainly don't want to use expensive, aged Balsamic vinegar on weeds - and spray the vinegar on your unwelcome flora on your porch, patio or back yard. It's one of the few things that will work against noxious weeds such as Canadian Thistle. All vinegars are diluted, so try and buy the highest concentration you can at the supermarket.


Well-Known Member
Azamax....root drench and then same application 10 days later.

Voila! Problem solved. To put the icing on the cake, add Ladybugs in as well.


Well-Known Member
Azamax....root drench and then same application 10 days later.

Voila! Problem solved. To put the icing on the cake, add Ladybugs in as well.
thats my method to a t, strange thing is matt rize says that it causes numbness in the fingers, which i have been suffering from..


So Malignant its like living with a roommate you're tidy and the rest of the forum isn't. This is not your forum its all of ours. But just slow down for a minute. Monsanto is an evil company, anybody who knows anything about them will tell you that. With that being said, we are not in the political forum this is organics, so we are discussing the soil itself not the company who makes it. Miracle grow regular soil is pure shit, I agree with you there. The Miracle grow organic choice however is not. It is cheap soil that is missing a lot in it. But I can assure you that amended miracle grow organic soil is just as good as any other soil on the market.


Well-Known Member
ive had shit grown in it with fox farm nutes, i have to disagree.. i dont care how dirty the rest of the forum gets, i can just hide here in organics.. but if people want to use mg its their thing, growing herb is a personal thing and everyone does it differently. i just dont see why mg even has to be a discussion piece, i dont know any serious growers, or veteran growers who will touch the shit.


Buddy Organics isn't your forum again its all of ours. You can't say don't talk about miracle grow organic choice in the organic sections if anything only to let new growers steer clear of it. I don't know a single grower, good or bad who uses it, but I did on my first grow, and by itself it was terrible but after I amended it with some perilite, worm casting bone, blood, and alfalfa meal it was pretty good. It should be discussed here, and if you believe any differently then you're just wrong. I don't like to be so black and white but that is really the point of the forum, and here is a little secret, it takes a lot of wading through bullshit to find just a tiny bit of new information, don't expect the organics section to be any different. He has as much right to post about MG soil as you do to post your grow pictures.