Question on casing mycelium

In reference to Terrence Mckenna's Grower's Guide, he advises the following mixture for casing...

2.5 liters peat moss
3.5 liters fine vermiculite
4 liters washed fine sand
2 liters calcium carbonate [ powdered oyster shell ]

My question is about the peat moss.

I have some Miracle Grow peat moss, [ everyones favorite ] and while I know MG products are garbage for cannabis, I would like to know if it is suitable for casing mycelium.

It says to be enriched with miracle grow plant food which is what makes me second guess it.

I know cow / sheep / horse manure is ideal, but until then, any advice would be appreciated!


..Also, Im assuming that anything that is going to be used for casing should be pressure cooked in order to be sterelized? Yay, nay?