Question on Perpetual setup/Plants per wattages


Active Member
hey I am going to be using one or two 600 Watt HPS lights and a 600w MH for vegetative growth.\
I was going to try and do a perpetual growth system this time. with threeT5 HO's for the seedlings also and then I will move 4 plants along the system each week with two lights and 4 every two weeks with one HPS light in hopes of continuous harvest every two weeks.

I have a room for each light that is 4x4 and 4x8 for two lights if I do that.

My question is how many plants can I fit under an HPS, I was thinking of doing one per square foot in the flowering room after they can veg until they're about two to two and a half feet tall.

I've heard that 100 watts/plant is good but I think that wastes space because I want a bunch of tiny guys each week not a lot of the same kind at once.
Now I was thinking about 1 Gram/Watt. if I wanted one to two ounces per plant then I would need them to take in 48 watts each, this puts me at 240 watts every new cycle so that means that 580 watts would be good for 10 plants, but I want to try 20. Do you think if I put 20 plants under 600 watts that they would each get close to an ounce of bud once dried?

Any input would be greatly appreciated as I'm waiting on two minor decisions to start this grow and this is one of them, so as soon as i get an answer I can hopefully start posting my first online grow journal.

thank you


Active Member you want to put 20 plants in a 4X8 after vegging them to two ft tall and are calling them small? You realize in flower they might double in size? If you are gonna do 20 plants it will have to be SOG. Or you can go read hobbes thread about ccob.


Active Member
whew i took a nap and realized i totally typed that wrong, sorry i forgot to mention i'm going to do a screen of green, i don't know what i was talking about when i wrote to start flowering at two feet haha they'd be huge!

Yeah I have my idea a little better thought out. I was going to do a SOG in a 4x4 or 4x8 under one or two HPS and was wondering if twenty plants per light was too much in a SOG style garden or if that would be fine. and if so would flowering them at one foot be too big because it's a SOG not a regular garden.


Well-Known Member
With SOG you want alot of little plants with single stems lollypopped style. Flowering at approximately 5-10inches, however your target of 1g per watt is a goal most people try to aim for but most only achieve 0.5-0.75g per watt. It sounds like this will be your first grow and as such should be seen as a learning curve. Make sure you can grow a few plants all the way to harvest and can care and nurture them til they finish.

I personally only grow 4 using 1x600w and try to keep them under 2ft tall.
