Quick Question about the "claw"


Hey guys,

I have 8 white widow, 2 vanilla Kush, and 2 Acapulco Gold. They are 5 weeks from seed and range from 14-9 inches in height.

Light: 600MH switching to 600hps (cool tube)
Pot size: 3 Gallon
Medium: ProMix
Nutes: Pure Blend Pro Grow, CalMag, Liquid Karma, SuperThrive
Room: 4x5x6ft
Temp 75-80 Lights on
RH%: 35-50
Vent Exhaust: 160cfm 4"w/carbon scrubber pulling through cool tube
Vent Intake: .21A/120v 4" fan
Ph: 6.2-6.7

I just feed them alittle to much, they have the claw and look a bit over watered as well. My question is can I switch to 12/12 now or should I wait for them to bounce back?. Also Do I switch to flower nutes right away or continue with the veg nutes for a couple weeks?

Here are some pics:


Any suggestions are welcome! Keep in mind this is my first grow so I am still learning.
I cant see any real clawing that looks like overfeeding, they do look very well fed however it could just be the lighting . they look good in my opinion id just cut back on the nutes. how often do you feed them?


I cant see any real clawing that looks like overfeeding, they do look very well fed however it could just be the lighting . they look good in my opinion id just cut back on the nutes. how often do you feed them?

I feed them every 4 days one litre per plant of water.
Feed 1: ProGrow 1ml/litre, SuperThrive 1drop/litre
Feed 2: Liquid Karma 1ml/litre, Cal/Mag 1ml/litre, SuperThrive 1drop/litre
Feed 3: Water ph 6.0-6.5

You think there are ready to switch?
you can flip to 12/12 whenever you like they will be fine. i would recommend sticking with veg nutes (very lightly possibly not at all since they look well fed for the moment.) for the first week or 2 of 12/12 while they stretch before swapping to flower nutes. I would also aim for a ph about 6.5 > 6.7 so you don't lock out phosphorus. its not bad to let the ph fluctuate just a little to make sure all nutrients are available. Most the time you also wont need to water quite as often once in 12/12 since the medium will take longer to dry
does you're pro bloom contain necessary trace elements (boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, iron) ? if so then i would stick with using just the pro bloom with the occasional cal/mag


Active Member
I found the AG to be a very light feeder. Over 350 ppm in a URDWC and ming started to show signs of a slight burn.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i would switch them, i would stick with the grow for a few weeks for the stretch i would stop using super thrive and just let it play out. they look fine.