quick Question

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
I just had a quick question from all the experienced growers out there.....Last year during my outdoor grom the cops found my plant, But there was no possible link to me. I actually think it was the neighbors kids that found then plant then told their mom which called five o.............. About 4 months later I was arrested on my way to deliver a dub to a friend. The question is this....would it be reasonably safe to try a one plant outdoor grow about 500 hundreds yards away from the original one. I want to but the idea does seem a little risky to me.


Well-Known Member
put it in your neighbors yard for vengeance!! just kiddin

you should have it a few miles away if your paranoid about its being taken by the cops again. less of a tie to you


bud bootlegger
i would say its not the smartest idea, but not for why your thinking.. what i think is if the first plant got found, putting another one only five hundred yards away from the one that got found doesn't seem like the brightest idea .... its a great big world out there, not that i know where you live or whatever, but take your time, and really look around for a much better spot that has lil to no foot traffic at all and keep an eye on it for a few weeks.. maybe set something up in the area.. put a five dollar bill in a bag and stake it to the ground and leave it there and see if its still there in a week or two.. this will give you a good idea of whether someone is in the area or not.. if no one seems to come around, than try out one plant.. what do you have to lose really.. whenever you go to visit your plant, always have an excuse to be in the area.. have a camera with you and you can say your taking nature pix.. have binoulars and say your bird watching, whatever.. just be safe and always have a reason to be out in the woods aside from growing mj and you should be cool.. i have also read of putting duct tape on the bottom of your shoes to keep your shoe prints from showing up in the dirt, and also take different routes to and from your patch every time so as not to create a path that will lead someone right to your garden..

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. Further away is exactly what I ahd in mind. The last one was a good bit away, but as the season was coming to an end I moved it so I could harvest it 2 days later but it was found in one. DAMN it was looking good to. anyways I do like the five dollar bill idea Racer. I can think of several reasons to be in the woods in my particular area. I also like the duct tape idea. I would like more info on the tree grow too Kaleo, kinda sparks my interest.