Quick sunlight question..


Active Member
Hey all, I have made several mistakes so far. My little ones are trying to develop their 2nd set of fan leaves still. First, I had the CFL's way too close. They have been raised a foot or so. 2nd, I started them in Miracle Grow Organic and that burned them pretty bad I think. They have now been repotted into a high quality local organic mix (with lime.) Also, think they were overwatered as well. The cotyledon are bright yellow and I have noticed some fading on the 1st fan leaves as well. There are some dark spots on the leaves as well. Wish I had my cord to upload pics. From my own reading, it appears to be the issues I listed above. I checked the tiny root ball and got all of the MG out I believe. I flushed them after repotting. My plan now is to let them dry out and go from there. This soil says to feed them after 2 waterings. (Going to use Cutting Edge Solutions.) So should I wait until the 3rd watering to feed them? Any other thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
It was so nice out today i put my 1.5 week old babies on the window sill with the window open...is this going to stress them out? Im also transplanting today in bigger buckets which is another reason they are out of the closet..lol..I just couldnt pass up giving them the amazing sunlight coming through today..


Well-Known Member
no this is all gd as long as they meant to have light at that time just dont re-pot during dark hours.


Well-Known Member
Only thing is you have to be careful not to sunburn the plants. It's best to start with 1 hour of direct sunlight - then 2 next day etc. for 5-7 days. Your plant will probably love the fresh air and sunlight in the window - mine do ;O) I take all my plants outside during summer time. Even flowering plants seem to like some days in direct sunlight.