"Race-Baiter" is the new "N-word"

sowell told kids not to volunteer at homeless shelters because it is not right to "feed those who refuse to work".

he's a hack who gets paid to write things that idiots like to hear.

http://www.creators.com/opinion/thomas-sowell/freedom-and-the-left.html said:
Indeed, many of those who promote compulsory "community service" activities are bitterly opposed to even voluntary military training in high schools or colleges, though many other people regard military training as more of a contribution to society than feeding people who refuse to work.

Another famous BuckyParaphrase(TM) folks:roll:

You're flopping around worse than the Crappies I caught the other day....do continue its mildly amusing.

racist statements were made up out of thin air and then attributed to Rush Limbaugh...critics can't find anything racist in all that material

now let's see how sowell's claim holds up against things limbaugh has said:

“Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?”

“The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies.”

“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

“They’re 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?”

[To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”

Limbaugh’s many attacks on Obama....‘halfrican American’, ‘affirmative action candidate', ‘Barack the Magic Negro’

“Obama’s entire economic program is reparations.”

Limbaugh: Obama & Oprah Are Only Successful Because They’re Black

Limbaugh Calls Obama “Uppity”

should i go on? or can we agree that sowell is a hack getting paid to tell idiots what they want to hear?
citation provided.


and just some more little goodies from the same article...

Supposedly students are to get a sense of compassion or noblesse oblige from serving others. But this all depends on who defines compassion. In practice, it means forcing students to undergo a propaganda experience to make them receptive to the left's vision of the world.

feeding the homeless is now a "propaganda experience".

BZZZZZ compulsory "volunteer" work was the "propaganda experience"

As a bumper sticker put it: "Work harder. Millions of people on welfare are depending on you."

lol, bumper sticker logic. what an intellect. what's next, posting chain emails and calling it an article?

Welfare abuse....you deny it happens?

Working in a homeless shelter is widely regarded as "community service"— as if aiding and abetting vagrancy is necessarily a service, rather than a disservice, to the community.

homeless people who die from starvation or exposure is so much more of a service to the community, eh?

lolololololoolol "

aggressively panhandling people on the sidewalks, urinating in the street, leaving narcotics needles in the parks where children play"

are the folks he was referring to not anyone dying from starvation or exposure, nice twist though lolololol

:dunce: <----------this is becoming you more and more by the second with your infamous "paraphrases".

hack. and you are a hack enabler.

Another nice out of context hack job lol at least you provided the source this time, bravo there may be hope for you yet.....you fuckin closet treadmill building john galt austrian.

&#8220;To find anything comparable to the crowds&#8217; euphoric reactions to Mr. Obama, you would have to go back to the old news reels of German crowds in the 1930&#8217;s with their adulation of their Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.&#8221; - Thomas Sowell


ich bin ein berliner, and thomas sowell is a right wing historical revisionist and liar.

one might also call him a hack who is catered to pump out drivel that only idiots would like.
feed those who refuse to work

feeding people who refuse to work

Fuckin....dude wtf? that was the only pick of that lovely well researched and highlighted post?

Oh OK we gonna do the KISS method OK got it.

UBuck paraphrase says sowell told kids not to volunteer at homeless shelters because it is not right to "feed those who refuse to work".

Sowells words say those who promote compulsory "community service" activities contribute to society feeding people who refuse to work.

Got something here, does it show now? Just not to you? Aight den no worries.

basically, obama is hitler because he made BP pay for their oily mess in the gulf and the lives it affected.

so, now the company you keep is sarah fucking palin. feel good about that!

eventually, she had to try and backtrack:


Sarah PalinVerified account &#8207;@SarahPalinUSA
Lamestream media: I never compared Obama to Hitler. Quit making things up.

Fuckin....dude wtf? that was the only pick of that lovely well researched and highlighted post?

Oh OK we gonna do the KISS method OK got it.

UBuck paraphrase says sowell told kids not to volunteer at homeless shelters because it is not right to "feed those who refuse to work".

Sowells words say those who promote compulsory "community service" activities contribute to society feeding people who refuse to work.

Got something here, does it show now? Just not to you? Aight den no worries.

volunteering at homeless shelters is a propaganda experience.

the homeless simply refuse to work, it's not like they have any crippling mental or physical disabilities. they're all just pissing in the street and leaving their needles on your kids playgrounds.

idiots like you and palin eat that shit up.
ich bin ein berliner, and thomas sowell is a right wing historical revisionist and liar.

one might also call him a hack who is catered to pump out drivel that only idiots would like.

Du bist eine Berliner?

nach draussen zu rauchen, bought a pack to day.

Had family from there, dead now.

Nope, he's correct. His economics predicted the crashes too, cry now? Might want to listen to him take your bread and get yourself some silver, its cheap right now might help you ride out inflation later.
Nope, he's correct.

why did you edit out what sowell said and the photographic evidence that contradicted him? here, let me put it up again so everyone can see what a liar you and sowell both are.


&#8220;To find anything comparable to the crowds&#8217; euphoric reactions to Mr. Obama, you would have to go back to the old news reels of German crowds in the 1930&#8217;s with their adulation of their Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.&#8221; - Thomas Sowell


His economics predicted the crashes too, cry now? Might want to listen to him take your bread and get yourself some silver, its cheap right now might help you ride out inflation later.

good job at attempting to change the subject in face of your overwhelming wrongness and right wing historical revisionism.
why did you edit out what sowell said and the photographic evidence that contradicted him? here, let me put it up again so everyone can see what a liar you and sowell both are.

What does that cropped photo prove again? I've seen bigger crowds than that at Taco Bell at lunch time.
BTW I don't dislike JFK or anything.

We were doing the KIS method remember Stupid? When you chopped those two lines together you "misquoted"?

Here we go though this shit will get buried progressive TAX CODE STYLE but it was fun while it lasted.

I won't get tired of the link you shared though thats good shit here it is some more.... http://www.creators.com/opinion/thomas-sowell/freedom-and-the-left.html
What does that cropped photo prove again? I've seen bigger crowds than that at Taco Bell at lunch time.
BTW I don't dislike JFK or anything.

you edited it out again, so let me put it back up again:


&#8220;To find anything comparable to the crowds&#8217; euphoric reactions to Mr. Obama, you would have to go back to the old news reels of German crowds in the 1930&#8217;s with their adulation of their Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.&#8221; - Thomas Sowell

thomas sowell: bumper sticker intellect and historical revisionism endorsed by sarah palin!


The only hack here was the volley you were supposed to return that got "hacked" out of bounds then declared a fucking turrets style victory while me, the crowd and the line judge or whatever are all dumbstruck in awe of your spastic victory tantrum declaration......like a McEnroe or something but with opposite causation.
Fuck it go ahead and put some palin pics up to bury this shit deeeeeeeeeep I think she's kind fucking hot, def enjoyed the Nalin Palin movie........IDK wtf she had to do with your ass backwards misquote "paraphrase" though but she gimme boners.
The only hack here was the volley you were supposed to return that got "hacked" out of bounds then declared a fucking turrets style victory while me, the crowd and the line judge or whatever are all dumbstruck in awe of your spastic victory tantrum declaration......like a McEnroe or something but with opposite causation.

lol, here comes the tantrum.

i never declared victory by the way, just pointed out historical revisionism from FDR lowering unemployment to JFK being received in berlin like obama.

Fuck it go ahead and put some palin pics up to bury this shit deeeeeeeeeep I think she's kind fucking hot, def enjoyed the Nalin Palin movie........IDK wtf she had to do with your ass backwards misquote "paraphrase" though but she gimme boners.

you don't know what she has to do with anything?

it's the company you keep!

your shared adoration for a right wing historical revisionist and full time liar is hilarious.
Wait a second though lets examine this indeed............


How can a President of the United States be re-elected in a landslide after four years when unemployment never fell below 15 percent for even one month during his first term? Franklin D. Roosevelt did it by blaming it all on the previous administration.

let's examine this, shall we?

did FDR get reelected by simply blaming everything on hoover, or is this just something a hack espousing revisionist history does?

let's check the unemployment rate during FDR's first term...

1933: 25%

1934: 21.7%

1935: 20.1%

1936: 16.9%

revisionist history indeed. just as revisionist as those who claim title II is not needed because we would just shame those racist business owners out of business. history shows they did just fine though.

hacks and revisionist history.


If you are proving Sowells accuracy you are doing an amazing job.

Well he sure as fuck did not blame it on the Progressive Bank that would be no way to leave a legacy now would it?

So Wilson charters the Fed for 20 years.......then Harding, Coodlidge and Hoover......then the Fed's charter is up which coincidentally happens during the panic FDR "inherits"....then he outlaws gold and inflates this new elastic currency to "fix the problem".
lol, here comes the tantrum.

i never declared victory by the way, just pointed out historical revisionism from FDR lowering unemployment to JFK being received in berlin like obama.

I don't blame ya I would want to draw attention away from that big ass misquote backfire from your earlier source of discussion as well.

Its not the company you keep, its the individuals in the company not the associations. I will go back and read the Palin shit, might get distracted with "her" porno though just sayin