Racism Alive and Well, Here In America!!


New Member
Using their "formula" to make this map, they only found 395 tweets that fit their criteria.

With 315,000,000 people in the USA, 395 tweets? That map means nothing, really...


I've heard of MUCH more black people claiming they would vote or voted for obama simply because "he is black".

That's fucking literally racist.

Granted, not even close to the extreme of that lady...but it still is.

Doesn't get mentioned that much though for some reason.............................


Well-Known Member

I've heard of MUCH more black people claiming they would vote or voted for obama simply because "he is black".

That's fucking literally racist.

Granted, not even close to the extreme of that lady...but it still is.

Doesn't get mentioned that much though for some reason.............................
yes, the sununu hypothesis. "they just vote for him because they're both blacks".

that hypothesis is obliterated by the fact that blacks vote 90+ for democrats no matter what the color of that candidate's skin.

maybe they are racist against the race of douchebag? that's my working hypothesis.

i see more mentions of terrorist fist jabs and michelle obama as a "baby mama" and "hoodlums in the hizzie" on fox news than i see black people. perhaps they are taking subtle cues.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member

I've heard of MUCH more black people claiming they would vote or voted for obama simply because "he is black".

That's fucking literally racist.

Granted, not even close to the extreme of that lady...but it still is.

Doesn't get mentioned that much though for some reason.............................
I voted for O'Bama simply because he's Irish and Harrekin's cousin.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The name Doyle when literally translated into English means "The Black Foreigner" ;)
On my dad's side one of the surnames is, O'Duibhdhiorma. (don't know if I spelled that correctly). They came from somewhere near Ulster? Something like that. Damn Mormons and our obsession with genealogy.


Well-Known Member
On my dad's side one of the surnames is, O'Duibhdhiorma. (don't know if I spelled that correctly). They came from somewhere near Ulster? Something like that. Damn Mormons and our obsession with genealogy.
Ulster you say?

Do you find you've an unusual obsession with people in crowns?

Prisoner #56802

New Member
Donald Trump is a Racist?!?!??! full story~> http://abcnews.go.com/Business/petition-urges-macys-dump-donald-trump/story?id=17710529#.UKTJluSunf8


Petition Urges Macy's to Dump Donald Trump Ads, Merchandise

A petition urging Macy's to "dump" Donald Trump and his branded goods from its advertisements and stores could reach 500,000 signatures today as some consumers react to the retail giant's relationship with the controversial critic of President Obama. Among those consumers was Cher, the singer and actress, who aired her frustrations via Twitter on Sunday.

"Racist cretin who'd lie like 'his rug' to get some cheap press! I can't believe Macy's thinks he's the right 'man' 2 represent their name!"

The so-called "Dump Trump" petition, which users sign through the site signon.org, was organized by 30-year-old lawyer Angelo Carusone. Carusone cites Trump's post-election tweets, one of which urged a "march on Washington" after the election. Carusone said he also believes a Macy's Christmas ad in which Trump doubts a man who claims to be Santa, presumably in a nod to Trump's "birther" argument that Obama may not have been born in the U.S., has helped encourage people to sign his petition.

"When I saw Trump's repeated calls for revolution on Twitter and the $5 million birther stunt, I realized, as a lover of Macy's, that the company was getting publicity from Trump's chicanery consequence-free," Carusone told ABCnews.com.
Carusone organized a similar "Stop Beck" effort in 2009, which focused on another controversial figure, Glenn Beck, and urged his advertisers to reassess their relationship with Beck. Carusone called his campaigns "advertiser education efforts."

.....etc article continues


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump is a Racist?!?!??! full story~> http://abcnews.go.com/Business/petition-urges-macys-dump-donald-trump/story?id=17710529#.UKTJluSunf8


Petition Urges Macy's to Dump Donald Trump Ads, Merchandise

A petition urging Macy's to "dump" Donald Trump and his branded goods from its advertisements and stores could reach 500,000 signatures today as some consumers react to the retail giant's relationship with the controversial critic of President Obama. Among those consumers was Cher, the singer and actress, who aired her frustrations via Twitter on Sunday.

"Racist cretin who'd lie like 'his rug' to get some cheap press! I can't believe Macy's thinks he's the right 'man' 2 represent their name!"

The so-called "Dump Trump" petition, which users sign through the site signon.org, was organized by 30-year-old lawyer Angelo Carusone. Carusone cites Trump's post-election tweets, one of which urged a "march on Washington" after the election. Carusone said he also believes a Macy's Christmas ad in which Trump doubts a man who claims to be Santa, presumably in a nod to Trump's "birther" argument that Obama may not have been born in the U.S., has helped encourage people to sign his petition.

"When I saw Trump's repeated calls for revolution on Twitter and the $5 million birther stunt, I realized, as a lover of Macy's, that the company was getting publicity from Trump's chicanery consequence-free," Carusone told ABCnews.com.
Carusone organized a similar "Stop Beck" effort in 2009, which focused on another controversial figure, Glenn Beck, and urged his advertisers to reassess their relationship with Beck. Carusone called his campaigns "advertiser education efforts."

.....etc article continues
Reported as retarded.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
You risk Gastric Ulster. cn

It's spelled ULCER......gastric ulcer

Non-cancerous (benign) gastric ulcers are caused by an imbalance between stomach acid, an enzyme called pepsin, and the natural defenses of the stomach''s lining. This imbalance leads to inflammation, which can be made worse by aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen.
Risk factors for benign gastric ulcers include:

  • Use of aspirin and NSAIDs
  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Smoking
  • Increasing age
  • Mechanical ventilation (being put on a breathing machine)
  • Certain blood clotting problems
Stress does not cause or worsen gastric ulcers.