random piles of weed

Anyone ever broke up weed on a surface then smoked ans forgot all about the rest of that pile you broke up? Only to find it days later when your out. I just ran out today. Got to looking around my room. Found a bowl on my dresser. A blunt ontop of my guitar cab. Under the amp head that sits on top of the speaker cab.
And a bowl on my Xbox under game cases. Stoner forgetfullness or just plain forgetfull?
Sorry if I put this in the wrong spot. And very possible its good luck. But it happens even when I'm.not out. I'll be doing something abs find a pile. I have always just thought. Hmm someone must be telling me to smoke. Lol.


I have a few places I tend to set and forget, nuggets, and I'll tell ya, when in need I just have to remember the most likely place I would have hid some, and I usually am in luck haha


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever broke up weed on a surface then smoked ans forgot all about the rest of that pile you broke up? Only to find it days later when your out. I just ran out today. Got to looking around my room. Found a bowl on my dresser. A blunt ontop of my guitar cab. Under the amp head that sits on top of the speaker cab.
And a bowl on my Xbox under game cases. Stoner forgetfullness or just plain forgetfull?
lol. dude this is a growers website. we have random piles of weed under every table, bags in pants and coats from years ago, ashtrays filled with half-burned joints cause we don't like to relight.........shit, I bet you could find an easy fat zip in my trim room in the carpet :). I am not alone here.