Random question


Well-Known Member
flies.jpgI think my dogs shits are causing flies to come onto my plants they just chill on there i dont know why. I am using my dogs shits for later on when they start to smell. Can flies cause harm to my plants? I was thinking of getting fly traps to kill them. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I'm confused, what are you using the dog poop for? Get rid of the dog pie and more then likely the flies will follow. I'm not sure if the flies will harm the plants, but flies are dirty. I wouldn't want flies landing on my plants when they just got done Chillin on a pile of poo poo, unless your looking to grow some stink weed!


Well-Known Member
ahha i think i worded that wrong i meant that there is dog shit in my backyard but i picked it up but they just like chillin on my plants for some reason. I didnt mean to sound i have a bunch of shit piles laying next to my plants.


New Member
I am using my dogs shits for later on when they start to smell
Well, this had me thinking wtf? I thought you were either saving the turds for composting... or worse, fermenting them until they start to stink even worse and use that stench to cover up the smell of flowering buds. :spew:And yea, aside from laying eggs in your shit, reading this pretty much would make me not want flies on my plants.

"Flies cannot chew. They have to suck up their food. Flies have mouth parts that absorb food like a sponge. Their food has to be in a liquid form in order for them to eat it. They have a tongue shaped like a drinking straw to slurp up their meals. Flies that eat nectar or blood do so by using their tongue which is called a proboscis. Even flies that eat other insects do so by sucking out the insides of their victims. When a housefly lands on our food, it vomits on the food. The digestive juices, enzymes, and saliva in the vomit begin to break down and dissolve the food. The fly can then suck up the liquid food with its sponge-like mouth parts and its proboscis. If flies eat food from garbage cans or any other source of germy food, some of those germs stick to the fly's mouthparts and when the fly vomits on its next snack (your sandwich?), it transfers some of those germs."

Just taken from yahoo questions so take it for what it's worth.