Rapid Wilting


Well-Known Member
wow, never seen this one before. at least I get to blame somebody else....
picked up these 2 Jack Herer clones from a club yesterday, they both looked fine when I got home with them a few hours later. Stuck 'em under a fluoro, and let them be - no water seemed necessary.
well, one of them is happy! I have no idea what's up with the other one, the medium is plenty wet, but I've overwatered plenty of plants and I've never seen one just droop that fast, and bend over halfway down the main stem. So I don't think overwatering is the culprit. if so, it'll be an easy fix.

anybody seen a plant just collapse like this before?



Well-Known Member
hee hee nothing fell on it... I thought damping off was something that only happening to young seedlings...

anyway, it will give me an excuse to get a different flavor. .