Rare dankness/rd genetics

So you are broke. You have no where to live. You don't have a job. And you are here fucking with us. roflmao.
Get better friends. Just for starters, cuz I am helpful like that. Lose the fucking carebear. WTF is wrong with you?
Then go get a new girlfriend. One that wouldn't screw a dude with a carebear avatar. If you hit that shit right
you will have a place to stay and a place to grow, steady pussy. You won't need a job, cuz she is gonna be
working will you take care of the plants. Come on carebear. You got shit to do.
So you are broke. You have no where to live. You don't have a job. And you are here fucking with us. roflmao.
Get better friends. Just for starters, cuz I am helpful like that. Lose the fucking carebear. WTF is wrong with you?
Then go get a new girlfriend. One that wouldn't screw a dude with a carebear avatar. If you hit that shit right
you will have a place to stay and a place to grow, steady pussy. You won't need a job, cuz she is gonna be
working will you take care of the plants. Come on carebear. You got shit to do.

I have money, i have loving parents who are happy to rent me a floor in their house, i have a full time job, i'm not fucking with anyone, you're fucking with yourself and showing yourself as the troll you are. friends not wanting to grow has nothing to do with them being inferior friends, i have no need for better friends. Kuroi is my girlfriend and the avatar was used for her as a silly means of emotional support for her due to her prolongued illness, she appreciates it. I thought you of ALL people would appreciate compassion given your situation with your own lady (or am i mistaking you for soemone else?) you of all people should understand how ridiculous it is to suggest i get a different girlfriend given the situation with belle. That is extreme pot calling the kettle black.

And sorry MRD, but when someone starts calling me a piece of shit troll for no reason and then trolling me, i'll take the time to show them up.
Ok now it is just gettin funny... I wanna see Glad give Belle a carebear!!!!!!!!!hhehehehehehehe Bet she gets up and kicks his ass! he must have done something wrong!!!!
The only friend i have who would be interested in something like that is my gf and she would not be able to do it at her house. I am in the process of wokring out career paths be it continue as a chef where i am, move to london to be a chef, goto university etc, until i work it out i have opted to live with my parents (waits for the insults) as a means of saving money and not having to breach a tenancy contract halfway through. I will not grow in their house out of respect to them. But i guess that is all meaningless, i do not presently grow so i have no right to be on this forum.

Please... :roll:
Ignore the silly chatter from the trolls ttt. You aint going anywhere.
I have money, i have loving parents who are happy to rent me a floor in their house, i have a full time job, i'm not fucking with anyone, you're fucking with yourself and showing yourself as the troll you are. friends not wanting to grow has nothing to do with them being inferior friends, i have no need for better friends. Kuroi is my girlfriend and the avatar was used for her as a silly means of emotional support for her due to her prolongued illness, she appreciates it. I thought you of ALL people would appreciate compassion given your situation with your own lady (or am i mistaking you for soemone else?) you of all people should understand how ridiculous it is to suggest i get a different girlfriend given the situation with belle. That is extreme pot calling the kettle black.

And sorry MRD, but when someone starts calling me a piece of shit troll for no reason and then trolling me, i'll take the time to show them up.

Don't start none. Won't be none.
Why dont you tell them how you really feel Beansly... have you addressed "the little people" yet????

What I really feel is that no member should be banned without being given a few warnings and maybe a temp-ban for serious offenses. I also feel that any member that feels slighted or ignored by the staff should let another moderator know and should be given a timely response.
The fact of the matter is we don't ban people for their first offense her unless it's something really serious. That's not the way we do things here. Only spammers get banned without prejudice, simply because of the insane amount of spam that RIU attract. Recently RIU was attacked by spammers and one global mod ended up deleting over 300 threads by 6pm.
Sometimes mistakes are made.
Hi To All,
So let’s address the issue. I was banned and now I’ve been unbanned. I received an email from PotRoast this morning explaining things and apologizing.
Apparently I was banned by accident. In a mass spamming sweep, I was “detected” and banned. My personal opinion on this explanation, iti s most likely true, BUT how was I detected, why was I on the list??? My personal theory involves another seed company and I’ll leave it at that.
This became a MUCH bigger issue than I could have ever imagined. I never felt important or respected here. I just have my lil thread to answer questions, post some info, post some pic, and make sure that anyone that is running a RD strains has support. I have always felt that companies need to support the people that support them. It is one reason I have made myself reachable. And as much as it will shock some, I am not at anyway mad at the MODS. They have a job to do, sometimes I wish they would do it a little better, but I assume these people work full time and give their personal time to be here. So lay off mods, they are human and shit happens.
To all the supporters. You guys blew me away. It was very humbling. I received many, many emails, I received P.m.’s on other forums, some of you PM’d my husband on Facebook (yes, that happened),and a few other sites offered me a “home”. Never knew anything like this would happen.Thank you guys so much. I will continue my lil thread here, and a few other places.

Stop the fighting, take down the Ban Potroast thread (I’m sure this has been a pain in his ass), stop giving the Mods hell, they didn’t ask for this and some even helped. Some of you sent a few emails that raised my eyebrow, I DO NOT condone hacking!!! As you can see the ban was lifted, all is well.

My only personal request to the MODS is can someone please turn my PM function back on???, and I would like to be able to moderate my own thread… I know it’s a privilege, I don’t care about the trolls, I mostly care about the hateful, demeaning crap. If not, will one of you PLEASE DELETE pages 209-220. They have no place on the thread.

It is time to move on. Get in your grow rooms, take care of your girls, post some pics up and get back to doing what you’re supposed to do.
Mrs. Rare Dankness
We might not agree on everything but I'm glad you're back. You are the ONLY breeder on here that takes care of your customers. I went out and bought a camera, my cellphone sucks at taking pics. Day 30 of the flip, day 16 flower.

Longs peak Blue





Random Chemdawg D (Testing out Camera)

Hopefully a rep from RD can help me out,

I've got limited space for moms and really want to try out RD, I'll be moving to Colorado soon and have got to rep the home team. What RD strain is the ultimate keeper and must have? I mean quality of the high, smells, and overall grow experience. If there was only space for one mother, who would it be? Keep in mind I am indoor...
Hopefully a rep from RD can help me out,

I've got limited space for moms and really want to try out RD, I'll be moving to Colorado soon and have got to rep the home team. What RD strain is the ultimate keeper and must have? I mean quality of the high, smells, and overall grow experience. If there was only space for one mother, who would it be? Keep in mind I am indoor...
man u don't ask for much??? Like askin a guy with 12 solid hottie gurlfriends to just pick one!! What would Hef do??

With what I hav up now I would hav to say GTH #1. the plant is just fun. She grows. My cut came from Gladstoned and has just the nicest smells. Lemony fresh with what I just think of as the RD undertones. I could take her now,but she is startin to fox tail nicely and just wanna watch what happens.

If I was in Colo I would prob search out some of their limited releases.
He would pick that blonde one with her own tv show ;)

I looked in to gth #1 I'm not really in a 80 day haze situation however.