Rate my starter stuff


Active Member
This is my first I got some seeds germin and I got some of this starter stuff to get rolling. All I have is a Wal-mart and so options are limited also finances so here is what I have please tell me if they will work. I got the lights cause they were the only one that said Cool light othewise I could get ones with Higher wattage but I wasn't sure if they would work. I plan on getting some more stuff but this is just to get the ball rolling I will have both lights on at the same time if needed. I am prob just gonna start with a couple of plants 3-4 of bagseed so don't want to invest to much till I get better growing! Please tell me what you think



Well-Known Member
it's good so far as u said ir gonna get some more stuff, as for that soil its gonna attract nats.... but itll do im using something similar


Well-Known Member
i remeber mogie telling me that a soil i was using due 2 being rich in nutrients,
and also im using super soil its soil ph comes in the range of 6.2 to 6.7 so i used that 1


Well-Known Member
i got the same claps for like 8 bucks at walmart. but yea looks good more than what i had when i started and look at my little seedling now :D


Well-Known Member
Looks good, but if your going to grow 3-4 plants your going to need some more cfls. I saw a pack of like 43 on ebay for 20$ or something like that. That wouldnt be to hard on your wallet, and if you had 43 cfls on your plants.. hahahah would be rediculous, but you would get some unreal buds. Ima walmart grower as well. Thing about that soil is, it feeds your plants for to long, 9 months... You dont really want it for that long. I veg my plants for 3 months so I use the MG soil, that feeds for 3 months, because the fertilzers in the pureblend, and MG is good for veg, I think pureblend is like a 3-2-1 or something? But you want something alittle higher in the P K when your flower, but you dont know how much exactly is left in the soil. So thats only thing I would be concerned about.

However, my friend just got some of that, and didnt want to waste it, so I told him to just start his plants off in small pots, and use that for them, then when he wants to flower, just transplant them, into a organic soil, and then buy some Miracle grow bloom fertlizers at wallmart, I would reccomend the mg over the expert grow, they have almost exact same ingredients but the mg has a bit more micro nutrients. Hope I could help man, I probably didnt make sence for alot of it but hopefully you can understand

Good luck on your grow man : )
Wal-mart growers <3


Active Member
i got the same claps for like 8 bucks at walmart. but yea looks good more than what i had when i started and look at my little seedling now :D
Ohhhhhh Yeah! Thanks for all the Info guys I was will do the transplant idea but what about transplanting if I move it to a bigger pot won't I be moving the dirt as well I know not all of it but... Anyway thanks for the tips keep them coming god know I need them:peace:

O I almost forgot how much soil to perlite do I need? And the clamps were about 6 bucks a peice with extension chords my wife found them I could have kissed her wait I did!


Well-Known Member
not really an exact amount, I just throw in two big scopes, mix it all around see how it looks. Throw in some more, see how it looks. Until I think it looks good. And when you transplant you will have some of the old soil, but you can pick up some superthrive as well, from walmart, really good for transplanting, and do a bare root soak, this will take off the old soil, and help your roots out a bit. Goodluck buddy : )


Well-Known Member
Before you plant...if you HAVE TO use something from Wal-Mart...take that bag of soil back and get the Miracle Grow Organic....Trust me.