***READY TO LAUNCH 'doomsday files'

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
some leaks are good and some are damageing, we did not elect this guy to make these choices and hes making the decisions on what to leak and what not too leak
So we should only trust our elected officials to tell us what we "need to know"?

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I read it again and now it makes sense. Sorry my brain is fried from writing my senior history paper.

They already know what we think. Look at how google stockpiles so much personal information. And using google street view cars to "accidently" snoop wifi signals. You know the government is looking at those databases.

Our civil liberties have been chipped away at for the last century. Why else would America, "Land of the Free", have the highest prison population of any industrialized nation. Look at how police have evolved in this country over the last 50 years. They used to be trained to protect and serve. Now they're taught to lie and intimidate you into forfeiting your rights. Most police uniforms have changed from the old blue suits with the hats with the points old gold shields, to black military fatigues. The federal government uses the DEA and Homeland Security to outfit police stations with machine guns and all kinds of tactical gear.

Why the hell does a sheriff's department need a tank with an M2 Browning?

The police have been gradually militarized under the guise of public safety but they've really been put into place to put down the inevitable local uprisings that will happen if our federal gov maintains its current course.

But you're right. This wikileaks ordeal very well could be used to clamp down on freedoms in the interest of "public safety," or hopefully it will shed some light on the the true nature of things and bring about some change for the better.

That's my paranoid 2 cents...

Big P

Well-Known Member
So we should only trust our elected officials to tell us what we "need to know"?
Im saying that jullian assange does not have americas best interests at heart, But our military and state department does regardless on, if we agree on thier strategy or not.


Well-Known Member
P, I think you may be wrong, americans (and the world at large) is being done a big disservice by your government.
It is not the citizens of america that is under threat, it is the politicians.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ya your very right, thats true

its just that list of our most sensitive sites was released, this is what really twisted my tit, if u read that list its a virtual roadmap of vital targets around the world, ones that would cause catastrophic failuire and if he is willing to release that, then what else is he willing to devuldge,

Its not just polititions he is outing but our informents in afghanistan real people who will be killed or have been killed, hes already causeing american soildiers deaths overthere cuz, who now will be brave enough to talk to us and give us tips if they cant even trust us not to have thier names plastered across the world news afterwards

I think theres much more negative implications that we cannot even think of yet


Active Member
P, I think you may be wrong, americans (and the world at large) is being done a big disservice by your government.
It is not the citizens of america that is under threat, it is the politicians.
Great post man!
What these politician's and high class citizens (elite) have at heart is to look after thier own arses! We already know that the American government doesn't work for the "people", much like many other government's.

People don't really understand why people like Assange do the things they do. And therefore condem it. These (conspiracy theorist's) revolutionists are after the truth, and I am all for it.

I see and hear politician's lying out thier fucking teeth everyday, thinking to myself "what the fuck did he mean by all that" How many of the things that Obama said he would do when running for presidency, has he actually done?! Next to nothing or in other words, fuck all!

How much money has he and every other pro war president throwen into war's (trillion's, quadrillion's) when they could have put that tax payers cash to much better use, put it back into the American infrastructure, put back into bettering American communities, fuck I dunno, give it to NASA! As long as it's not going in to war stockpiling and media brainwashing.

Sure there are certain things that people don't need to know, but let's be clear here, lying is quite obviously completely different from withholdng information.........

Personally, I think that Assange was just playing the same game as the American gvt. Only problem is, he is playing with giant's and he will get squished like a bug.

Also, Peach, I agree that we hve to be careful about the information war. But governent's will never be able to silence a voice in a so called "free" country. They think that they can use undercover tactic's and do everything without anyone knowing, and I think that this is thier weak point, the government put's too much faith in it's people to believe all that the black box tell's us. But in the last couple of years, this has proven to be less and less effective.

I don't want to see a downfall of America, far from it. I want to see world wide peace and understanding and that will never happen with conniving, slimy bastards like John Rockefeller, George Bush etc in command.

Group's like the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relation's, Trilateral Commision all need to be wiped out.

After these two things are done, we can finally start thinking about a truely free world.


Well-Known Member
P, I think you may be wrong, americans (and the world at large) is being done a big disservice by your government.
It is not the citizens of america that is under threat, it is the politicians.
Yea, I can agree,,,But "EveryBody, has skeleton's in there closet's,,,It's a fucking conspiricy,,,What do they wan't? Money to keep them from "Leaking,,Secret's",,,Extortion,,,Look now ya got a bunch of hacker's hacking shit I use,,,Credit cards...etc...More "Strict Computer Restriction's are soon to follow",,,and another way to get even more fucked by the "corrupt lie's we already knew",,,were going on' IMO-The private who is a "Spy" in the US Military should get what he deserves,,,For him,,I would not wanna be in his shoe's.
Sometime's in life you should keep your mouth shut,,,Ya know? ALL GOVERNMENT's are corrupt,,,But Loose lip's do sink ship's,,,and in reality I'm on this boat along with other's. WE ARE AT WAR. USA. Peace,,,I'm going to hit some kind nug's now.