Ready too harvest?


Well-Known Member
Looks very sativa dominant from the looks. That can be deceiving tho. If its heavy sativa then it will take much longer, even an auto.

Looks like about another month to me tho. But that is without seeing trichomes. Can you get a pic of them up close??
My friend gave me this seed and said it was an auto flower but I can't tell. it was planted around June 16th so from my understanding if it was an auto flower it would have been done weeks ago. It is starting to look done to me now just want some trained eyes to help.
Does it have wide branching at the bottom left arm & right arm and then a top center cola. Your pictures aren’t far enough out for me to tell.


Looks very sativa dominant from the looks. That can be deceiving tho. If its heavy sativa then it will take much longer, even an auto.

Looks like about another month to me tho. But that is without seeing trichomes. Can you get a pic of them up close??
Sorry ik these are not the best pictures but these where the best I could get of the tricomes it was taken through a 5x magnifine glass. They look white and milky to me


Here is a farther back picture. It is the closer plant the back one is no where near done
I would say Yes, It does appear to be an auto, All auto flowering plants have ruderalis bred into them for their auto flowering abilities.

This may also help you. See how it looks spindly and tall in the thumbnail. I also have an auto flower running in the overall shape appears to be consistent with yours. Yours just looks kind of defoliated though.


My friend gave me this seed and said it was an auto flower but I can't tell. it was planted around June 16th so from my understanding if it was an auto flower it would have been done weeks ago. It is starting to look done to me now just want some trained eyes to help.
I believe it is an auto. Ruderalis for its autoflowering ability & bred with a Sativa for its potency.


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks nice. And looks like it probably has another 3ish weeks to go.

Autoflower means the plant flowers when it is genetically mature and ready to. That does not mean they will all begin flowering quickly or finish flowering quickly. That is still dependent on the genetics of your plant and to some extent the environment you are growing in.

Photo sensitive plants will begin to flower once they reach maturity and the dark hours the plant receives are increased past the threshold of that plant. Some plants will begin to flower under 14 hours of light even though we commonly use 12/12 schedules in this industry.


Ok thank you everybody. 3 more weeks is not music to my ears it dropped to 1 degree here last night. I live near Toronto Ontario it is going to be an annoying three weeks with the cold nights we have been having. Also not to mention my other plant is way earlier in flower than this one . This one started flowering like 3 weeks earlier than the other one


Well-Known Member
Ok thank you everybody. 3 more weeks is not music to my ears it dropped to 1 degree here last night. I live near Toronto Ontario it is going to be an annoying three weeks with the cold nights we have been having. Also not to mention my other plant is way earlier in flower than this one . This one started flowering like 3 weeks earlier than the other one
Build some kind of temporary shelter around it.


Well-Known Member
Yep what xtsho said.

You could easily use some pvc and plastic to make a little really simple hoop covering over the top.