Reminder: Brett kavanaugh is a rapist


Well-Known Member
Buck you go on all the new members outdoor threads and say how shitty people’s plants are cause you don’t have balls to torment well known respected growers. You know exactly what I’m talking about. I see you slowed down this past week since we outed you though. Your still my bitch though.
Name anyone I’ve trolled besides the neo nazi and the Russian

I’ve slowed down because the Russian left crying and the neo nazi is demoralized

Go let a guy suck your dick loser crybaby


Well-Known Member
Ah I see, yeah I don't care about that, if you were spouting some stupid shit in there and got locked out that is on you, suck it up or you risk being called a snowflake. Which would be rude. Start a new thread with something you actually care about, maybe stick around and not troll and we all learn a little more about something we haven't considered before.
Yeah like I was saying buck picked a fight with us on the growing forum and trolled us here to a Russian bot thread and deleted the tag so you guys would believe we were trolls, 3rd or 4th post at the beginning of troll thread. He’s laughing at you guys and thinks he’s above you and wouldn’t notice. He’s slime.


Well-Known Member
Dude they only banned us from replying on the troll thread and the creepy uncle thread.
Don’t try to twist it, your area is corrupt.....kind of Like your buddy trump.
Yer a good object lesson Cody for those watching, of how strong hatred, fear and delusion operate in distorting reality in what I believe to be a relatively normal human being. This is what is going on with their families and friends who support Trump and delude themselves into thinking he is fit.or even normal.


Well-Known Member
Yer a good object lessen Cody for those watching, of how strong hatred, fear and delusion operate in distorting reality in what I believe to be a relatively normal human being. This is what is going on with their families and friends who support Trump and delude themselves into thinking he is fit.or even normal.
Wow if you spent anytime on the outdoor grow side you’d know. Your bucks puppet. Let’s keep ignoring the fact he played everyone and deleted his comment.
Not to mention the corruption of multiple people being silenced on at least two threads. This site is becoming a joke, ban me if they want.


Well-Known Member
Yeah like I was saying buck picked a fight with us on the growing forum and trolled us here to a Russian bot thread and deleted the tag so you guys would believe we were trolls, 3rd or 4th post at the beginning of troll thread. He’s laughing at you guys and thinks he’s above you and wouldn’t notice. He’s slime.
I just said you, a racist, homophobic bigot, should be banned. Same for your neo nazi buddy @SuperNutz , the Russians @The Gram Reaper and @olaf687


Well-Known Member
You little Russia bashing Leninists who support China over Trump have fun without me for a few hours. I'm going outside to work on my plants while you play Red Army Revolution.


Well-Known Member
Why delete it? I notice that trend with you, thinking no one will notice. You do think your smarter than all of us , including the ones you trick into doing your dirty work. On a playing field you can have manipulated at that.
I’m smarter than you, that’s for sure


Well-Known Member
You little Russia bashing Leninists who support China over Trump have fun without me for a few hours. I'm going outside to work on my plants while you play Red Army Revolution.
By your analogy, Roosevelt was like Lenin because he opposed fascism and fascists like Hitler.

in other words, your post was a failure in logic.

More simply put, you are not very smart.
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Well-Known Member
Ask anyone on the outdoor thread, this shit is pointless.
Ya fight evil where ever ya find it Cody, if yer a happy warrior, a person who can see things clearly and has not has their mind so warped. And who is courageous and is motivated strongly by values and life experience.


Well-Known Member
You little Russia bashing Leninists who support China over Trump have fun without me for a few hours. I'm going outside to work on my plants while you play Red Army Revolution.
Another one deluded by fear, anger, resentment and greed. Take yer pick cause there are limited options in this category.

First we deal with motives, then with issues, that is the proper order of things for adults when considering the opinions of people like yerself.


Well-Known Member
You little Russia bashing Leninists who support China over Trump have fun without me for a few hours. I'm going outside to work on my plants while you play Red Army Revolution.
If yer a Russian greed becomes need and I can understand it a bit, I'll bet most who are doing the work are Russian patriots too, who are disgusted with Putin and the mafia running their country. They need work too, for the average Russian gets but $400 US a month and times there are very hard because of corruption and Putin's dream of empire. They are going to unfortunately have a much harder time when responsible government is restored to America, they will be collateral damage. When Uncle Sam gets on his feet again I wouldn't be too optimistic about their future prospects, cause he is mighty pissed and wants blood big time.
Until they shit out Putin and restore responsible government, not even democratic, just not stupid, they can expect cold war level sanctions from America and it's friends and allies who they also fucked over.
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Well-Known Member
Take it easy on him guys! He's obviously a mental case.

And totally not triggered! :lol:

Says the admin who likes to bash Canada. What’s your deal man. I’ve seem numerous people on the outdoor area say they hit report (myself included )on buck and nothing is done about shit he’s doing and saying. I Come here after 10 years on this site and find you have limited numerous members off of two threads in one swoop. Take a look In your own backyard man. Your making this site go down hill. I tried to reason with you and explain on pm and you ignore. Quit taking advantage of your moderation abilities to help people that like to harass and ruin threads. You know exactly what I mean but you are like minded with buck and won’t call him out.
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Well-Known Member
Says the admin who likes to bash Canada. What’s your deal man. I’ve seem numerous people on the outdoor area say they hit report on buck and nothing is done about shit he’s doing and saying. I Come here after 10 years on this site and find you have limited numerous members off of two threads in one swoop. Take a look In your own backyard man. Your making this site go down hill. I tried to reason with you and explain on pm and you ignore.
Funny, a Canadian owns the site and runs the forum, If one of his staff was to bash his home and native land here, for no good reason, I'm sure they would get reamed, I'd be on em like stink on shit, if I were him

More delusional thinking driven by an expanded defensive ego distorting reality, we spoke of this on PM