Reminder: Brett kavanaugh is a rapist


Well-Known Member
Totally not triggered! :lol:

So a little background. This mental midget starts posting offensive stuff in the Politics Forum, and after I had to delete many of his posts, I gave him a warning. The system then sends him a PM about it, and he responded to the PM 5 times! :shock:

Yep, totally not triggered! :lol:

Since then he has clicked on the Report button on so many posts in this forum that the other Mods want to get rid of him. All of this in addition to his constant juvenile rants claiming to be the victim of unfair treatment.

Yep, totally not triggered! :lol:

Yet the one thing that he cannot hide is his affection for talking about sucking cock. I don't understand it, but then I don't live in the middle of nowhere Canada. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Funny, a Canadian owns the site and runs the forum, If one of his staff was to bash his home and native land here, for no good reason, I'm sure they would get reamed, I'd be on em like stink on shit, if I were him

More delusional thinking driven by an expanded defensive ego distorting reality, we spoke of this on PM
what were you saying about stink on shit? Canada has nothing to do with what went on. Open your eyes or be In on it. Time to look back at all your victories in the debate field and ask if you won or was the other
Person censored.
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Well-Known Member
I think i made my point. Carry on with your politics boys and girls.
You def have the advantage on this part of the forum. Makes me sick but if it makes you guys feel like your backing your country patriotically then censor away, all the power to ya. Wonder who else got censored For outing buck or disagreeing with like mined people.
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Well-Known Member
I think i made my point. Carry on with your politics boys and girls.
You def have the advantage on this part of the forum. Makes me sick but if it makes you guys feel like your backing your country patriotically then censor away, all the power to ya.

Seriously I get not wanting to be trolled for your political shit outside of this forum with your grows. But after than posting a bunch of talking shit, you cry foul, is technically a snowflake move.

The trolling campaign Russian hate trolls worked a little too well when it affects your fun. It triggered a bunch of push back trolls and that was kind of the point of it all right? Shame when it spills over though, but getting trolled is just a matter of life online anymore.

I see Snowden is finally poking his head out again. I am looking forward to hearing whatever Putin has decided to have come out of his mouth.


Well-Known Member
Says the admin who likes to bash Canada. What’s your deal man. I’ve seem numerous people on the outdoor area say they hit report (myself included )on buck and nothing is done about shit he’s doing and saying. I Come here after 10 years on this site and find you have limited numerous members off of two threads in one swoop. Take a look In your own backyard man. Your making this site go down hill. I tried to reason with you and explain on pm and you ignore. Quit taking advantage of your moderation abilities to help people that like to harass and ruin threads. You know exactly what I mean but you are like minded with buck and won’t call him out.
By “reason with you”, do you mean you threatened to ass rape his black tranny asshole?


Well-Known Member
Like I said they've seen it all and yer not wise enough to see it, or value their experience in these matters, often ADMIN will time you out so you can cool down and regain your emotional composure.

You seem to have a lot of difficulty recovering from emotional trauma and regaining your composure, most likely for common reasons. What is really going on is two neural network systems in your brain have been tightly bound by past negative experience and your experiential self is linked tightly to your sense of self, ego. Training will loosen this bond and help you to function better socially and emotionally by becoming sensitive to your emotions as they arise in your body (feelings) and to take skillful means to deal with it among other things.

I'd recommend an 8 week university evidence based free online meditation program and some follow up training while staying away from social media completely for a while. We call this a 90 day wonder in the trade, cause I'm a tradesman, a journeyman, if you will, and not a master. If you take it seriously it will transform your life and you'll be happy as a clam, so will your wife and she will be the first to notice.

It's not what we gain in a practice that is important, it's what we lose, our baggage.

Hope this helps Cody

Compassion comes first and I figure yer worth the effort.


Well-Known Member
I think i made my point. Carry on with your politics boys and girls.
You def have the advantage on this part of the forum. Makes me sick but if it makes you guys feel like your backing your country patriotically then censor away, all the power to ya. Wonder who else got censored For outing buck or disagreeing with like mined people.
Goodbye for the 87th time ya triggered bitch

Go hang out with neo Nazis ya homophobic racist


Well-Known Member
Like I said they've seen it all and yer not wise enough to see it, or value their experience in these matters, often ADMIN will time you out so you can cool down and regain your emotional composure.

You seem to have a lot of difficulty recovering from emotional trauma and regaining your composure, most likely for common reasons. What is really going on is two neural network systems in your brain have been tightly bound by past negative experience and your experiential self is linked tightly to your sense of self, ego. Training will loosen this bond and help you to function better socially and emotionally by coming sensitive to your emotions as they arise in your body (feelings) and to take skill means to deal with it among other things.

Id recommend an 8 week university evidence based free online meditation program and some follow up training while staying away from social media completely for a while. We call this a 90 day wonder in the trade, cause I'm a tradesman, a journeyman, if you will, and not a master. If you take it seriously it will transform your life and you'll be happy as a clam, so will your wife and she will be the first to notice.

It's not what we gain in a practice that is important, it's what we lose, our baggage.

Hope this helps Cody

Compassion comes first and I figure yer worth the effort.
So now your a Hippocrate too.
Guys have no balls. I’ll let you guys be bucks bitches.


Well-Known Member
You Democratic socialists are hilarious. Just ready to walk off a cliff like herded cattle. Giving up rights and turning over full control to the government and elites has worked out for........? Answer is no one but the elites! "But this time it will be different" said everyone several times a century since some form of government existed, till millions are culled so there's just enough peasants to serve the needs of the elites but not enough to fight back against oppression. LOL dumb fucks


Well-Known Member
You Democratic socialists are hilarious. Just ready to walk off a cliff like herded cattle. Giving up rights and turning over full control to the government and elites has worked out for........? Answer is no one but the elites! "But this time it will be different" said everyone several times a century since some form of government existed, till millions are culled so there's just enough peasants to serve the needs of the elites but not enough to fight back against oppression. LOL dumb fucks
You’re a neo nazi who’s too stupid to keep water off your shitty plants