Blunted 4 lyfe
Well-Known Member
We're talking politics not tv entertainment.Trump took on Rosie Odonnell and got the upper hand. If he can handle that dyke then Hillary should be a pushover.
We're talking politics not tv entertainment.Trump took on Rosie Odonnell and got the upper hand. If he can handle that dyke then Hillary should be a pushover.
We're talking politics not tv entertainment.
It's very different.Are they really two different things anymore?
Trump took on Rosie Odonnell and got the upper hand. If he can handle that dyke then Hillary should be a pushover.
Are they really two different things anymore?
There are many who don't quite understand ...especially nitro Harley that the poll numbers they report are Republican primary numbers, so yes the dumpster looks great but nationally he sucks and is upside down in his favorability numbers, and those numbers will get worst once he goes one on one in debates against Hillary.
He can cancel out on a primary debate, because he's weak in that area he has nothing but when it comes to the general he can't duck out and that's when Hillary will tear him a new asshole.
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that she'll hand him his lunch in the debates, but at the same time, anybody stupid enough to vote for him in the first place is too stupid to notice. It'll just be, "Yeah, Donald! My man!!! Put that bitch in her place!!!" Remember, this is the same party that elected that drunken frat boy cokehead rodeo clown with the double-digit IQ not just once, but twice. In the Republican Party, there is no such thing as "too dumb and too unqualified." It's more, "Hell, that guy is just as stupid, just as illiterate, and just as ignorant as I am! That's exactly the kind of man we need running this country, by god!"
That's not really the case, though. These are national general election poll numbers, and his favorable/unfavorable numbers compared to Clinton's are within or on the edge of the statistical margin of error.
I hate the guy just as much as any other sane human being, and I'm sure not here to shill for the clown. But the fact is, he's more than a candidate - he's a phenomenon, and he's gaining serious momentum every day. He's tapped into something that no other candidate is able to do, and he is riding the top of a wave that we can't even predict how high will go.
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that she'll hand him his lunch in the debates, but at the same time, anybody stupid enough to vote for him in the first place is too stupid to notice. It'll just be, "Yeah, Donald! My man!!! Put that bitch in her place!!!" Remember, this is the same party that elected that drunken frat boy cokehead rodeo clown with the double-digit IQ not just once, but twice. In the Republican Party, there is no such thing as "too dumb and too unqualified." It's more, "Hell, that guy is just as stupid, just as illiterate, and just as ignorant as I am! That's exactly the kind of man we need running this country, by god!"
Grandpapy is right this election is over before it even got started the pukes are already setting their sights on 2020, unless of course something spectacular happens at the convention like nominating Ryan (he never did shut the door on being nominated). I smell a Ryan/Rubio ticket in the offing or Ryan/Kasich.330 million people in this country, and these 2 are the best we could do?
Notwithstanding the fact that he is within the margin of error in most polls his unfavorable poll numbers will rise due to lack of policy details.
I know Americans are fed up with the status quo but I don't think folks with half a brain are willing to risk having a narcissist like the dumpster negotiate with world leaders as if he were in a boardroom, not gonna happen.
Where I disagree with you is the primaries he did well in the South because those were mostly open primaries but now the closed primary states are upon us his mo will slow down especially in states with proportional delegates, in winner take all states it's a different matter.
I'm just enjoying the the spectacle on the right to prevent this guy from snatching the nomination, after all they created the environment for this clown to prosper in. When the right kept quiet during the dumpsters birther movement it was only a matter of time before someone like the dumpster to show up...they just didn't expect it to be the dumpster himself.
W was actually forced down our throats by Scalia so really he never won. Obama did win twice, that will always be a thorn on the pukes ass.
Obamacare will always be under assault only because it has his name on it.
What a loving description of Rosie OdonnelTrump took on Rosie Odonnell and got the upper hand. If he can handle that dyke then Hillary should be a pushover.
What a loving description of Rosie Odonnel
But you are not bigoted or a racist. Correct?
Yea I forgot, whatever did happen to that bitch the last I heard was the GOP ate her up and spit her out, that's what they do they eat their own kind.You left out
Jeb Bush
Katherine Harris
and the 10s of thousands of disenfranchised black voters in Florida
She got a temp gig at Fox I believe then got jettisonedYea I forgot, whatever did happen to that bitch the last I heard was the GOP ate her up and spit her out, that's what they do they eat their own kind.
Not to the guy who argued with me about Oprah's political influence. Hollywood is clearly "real life" in his world. Why else would he be supporting a reality television star for POTUS?It's very different.
Obama wins againYou're right, the Republicans should stop obstructing everything, and actually try to accomplish something for the improvement of our society! When The President nominates a SCOTUS candidate, then there should be a vote on that nomination.
This President still has over 10 percent of his term left to serve. The notion that the next President should make the nomination is utterly stupid, and just another bullshit lie by the Repukes. Why would anyone think that a new President is more appropriate than a President that has 7 years of experience?
Only a fucking idiot would believe that line of crap. I guess the Repukes are talking to their base.