Request for our troops.

ganja girl

New Member
Coast Guard Channel Community

A message to all members of Coast Guard Channel Community

Coast Guard Channel Community member and long-term Channel Supporter, Roland "Ron" Wiborg sent me a message this morning, passing on a prayer request from a Marine Chaplain. The request from Chaplain Claire Fitzgerald of the Marine Corps League reads:

"We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families. The Battalion is fighting it out in Afghanistan and have lost 9 marines in four days Claire requested we keep the Battalion in our prayers and concluded with "God Bless America and God Bless the United States Marine Corps..."

In further research, I learned that the 3/5 has actually lost 13 marines since October. They are fighting it out in the Helmand Province, which is an extremely violent region of the Country. It's the same part of Afghanistan where the British suffered 1/3 of their deaths. One Associated Press (AP) account described the situation that "they are literally in a race for their lives." The center of the fight is in the Sangin District, described as the last remaining sanctuary in Helmand where the Taliban can freely process the opium and heroin that is essentially funding the insurgency. Our Marines have thrown away the British playbook and believe they are making progress against an enemy that has been fighting here for years and have blanketed the area with tons of IEDs.

You can read the article from former Marine, now reporter Tim King. King's gripping report of what's going on with the Battalion includes AP accounts and a statement from the 3rd Battalion 5th Marines Commanding Officer, LtCol Jason Morris here in the : Salem News. I found it to be an insightful look at some of the challenges we face in Afghanistan as a whole. The article also points out ways that you can help lift the spirits of our young Marines who are coping with watching their "best friends die or suffer grievous wounds".

Thank you Ron for sending this to me. I'm adding my prayer and passing along the request along with my gratitude for all the sacrifices made by our military and their families.

Susan O'Connor Fraser
Co-Founder, The Coast Guard Channel


Active Member
I'm sorry, but praying wont do a fucking thing, you know what would really help? Getting those troops away from that place and sendng them home!
This is bullshit, I honestly don't have anymore sympathy for the people that are needlessly going into war and dying. For what?!?

And just this little bit right here got me a little antsy:

The center of the fight is in the Sangin District, described as the last remaining sanctuary in Helmand where the Taliban can freely process the opium and heroin that is essentially funding the insurgency.

Come on! Hahaha yeah they are still trying to make us believe that this whole fucking war is based on opium. Man, I mean, the secret was out long ago about how the Taliban first came into possession of all that money. And even up until 2009 they have been receiving money from the American government. For how long, are they going to keep try and feeding you guy's these lies!
There are pages and pages of information about this on the internet. The Taliban are getting money from all over the place, and they expect us to believe that one of the only places in the country that is free to process opium is "essentially" funding the whole war for the Taliban!?

Anyway. Start petioning to get your troops back home, and out of a war that is going nowhere! That is my advice, because the advice they are giving you to "pray" wont change a thing........

Sorry, I don't wanna come aross as an asshole, but am I not speaking the truth?? No offence intended.


Active Member
I have an idea....... GET THEM THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. They are dying in vain and its disgusting that we encourage that sacrifice for nothing.

Seriously, PRAY for our troops? what the fuck will that do? If there is a god do you really believe hes watching out for america in this one?

Fucking pray? seriously? maybe you should just pick up a history book instead and act like a true patriot by stopping the government. or you could open your eyes and see that obviously the government doesnt even fucking care about the casualties or they would find a way to get support there. kind of like every lost battle in every war.

and greenplease you are spot on, anyone who believes everything they hear on cnn or foxnews needs to read and reread twenty times greenplease's statement about where the taliban's money comes from. That's rightyour tax dollars, not your drug money. Not to mention the ever so scary osama's education came from one of our most prestige schools. people are so damn ignorant anymore. if bush said it, it must have been and still is true lol. remember when reagan said he had factual evidence that one marijuana cigarette was more than enough to kill someone?

So go pray to Bush or Allah or God or whoever you please, good luck preventing anymore deaths with your wishing

ps before anyone decides to talk shit about my comments, just know that my only objective in this convo is to BRING THE TROOPS HOME! and possibly open at least one persons eyes to a fraction of the bullshit they are surrounded by