Reveg vs starting from seed


Active Member
I couldn't agree more! Urbangroop- If this is the best thing u have to bring to the table, then if I were u, I'd excuse myself from the table of cultivators here, and quietly go fuck myself... But, this is just my opinion as a 15+ year cultivator/breeder... Pure ignorance! The only homo's on here, would be anyone who would follow your disadvice, and totally retarded take on revegging...
It's people who are that ignorant that give this site a bad rep. Probably a 15 year old punk ass kid still on mommies tit!


Well-Known Member
I sure do learn something new everyday... Im always open to suggestions and experiments to a degree... Im not very set in any ways that I cant change or tweek them for the betterment of my medicine... Im sure u werent saying I am set in my ways this wouldnt make much sense to me...
I think some folks are too set in their ways. Like the saying goes You learn something new everyday!


Active Member
I sure do learn something new everyday... Im always open to suggestions and experiments to a degree... Im not very set in any ways that I cant change or tweek them for the betterment of my medicine... Im sure u werent saying I am set in my ways this wouldnt make much sense to me...
No ganja that was not directed at you. It's all good


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've heard this before too... Thatz why I always just "start over" from seed, as I dont care for cloning that much unless Im trying to spread a strain to a friend to grow out... I really only wanna do it for my Panama Red to breed her for seedz... I dunno about taking the time to let all 11 revert... I already have like 8 new females, started from seed I made myself, in very early veg ready to take their place in my main grow room...
Cool beans il be watching i try'ed revgging once but the leaves stayed funky only got 3 point weirdos but bud was still just as good so IDK never did it agian though


Active Member
Where did you get panama red seeds? Would love to grow some it was one of my favorites in the 70's. Any pics?


Well-Known Member
An old hippie friend of mine, who actually used to work for the West TN Cannabis Eradication Task Force gave them to me... He got outta that shit many. many moons ago, because he couldnt bring himself to do it anymore, and loves pot... He's been growing some knarley shit like that and other classics for twenty plus years... He gave me the seeds... U can look at some pics of where itz at now, which were taken at about week 4 of flowering on my profile... Itz for friends only, so Idk if u can see them or not... But I'll accept yer friend request so u can if u wanna see em... I dont have any REALLY great shots of the P.R., but u can def see it and if u know what u r lookin at, u will know itz the real deal... I cant wait for the stigmas to start turning that funky red color... I'll be adding pics to this album as harvest approaches...


Well-Known Member
He's had some of the P.R. he's grown lab-tested, and has gotten 28% THC, 2 point something % CBD, and 1 point something % CBN, so itz definately a classic with some true medicinal values!


Active Member
He's had some of the P.R. he's grown lab-tested, and has gotten 28% THC, 2 point something % CBD, and 1 point something % CBN, so itz definately a classic with some true medicinal values!
Sounds awesome pretty high thc level also. Back in the day panama red,columbian red and gold was the shit!


Active Member
I started some lst on one yesterday it had about 7 shoots growing on the top. Pulled them all apart and tied them down with some fishing line. Have been looking for tips on how to trim them but no help. Nobody knows? Anyway, I am planning on taking some clones soon I guess that will help with the bushiness. Also separating and tying down the tops should help keeping them under control.


Well-Known Member
I do this, and it definately helps to get light to parts of the plant that would otherwise be shaded and not develop nearly as quickly, nor as well... U can use all sorts of things from fishing line like u described, to bamboo shoots, to twine to do this... And it definately helps keep apical shoots under control and a more even canopy...
I started some lst on one yesterday it had about 7 shoots growing on the top. Pulled them all apart and tied them down with some fishing line. Have been looking for tips on how to trim them but no help. Nobody knows? Anyway, I am planning on taking some clones soon I guess that will help with the bushiness. Also separating and tying down the tops should help keeping them under control.


Active Member
More light more weight.It worked on my last grow. Did some lst in veg then again 3 weeks into flowering and the lower buds produced quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Definately... More lumens=heavier buds, and with proper temps, and good nutes, and supp CO2-look out now! "Dank City Limits" in sight!


Active Member
Just a quick update on a few of my girls.Did some lst yesterday on the first pic. She took it well and was pointing right up this morning. Another comparison shot of 3 reveg vs 2 from seed. No comparison I say. Can't wait to start feeding the reveg plants the whole GO line in a few days. Sorry about the poor quality pics.



Well-Known Member
deja vu, doing exactly the same thing just mentioned, LSTing the revegged branches
1st time trying it this way, so far so good, but a ways to go