Revive Pot recommendation

country cowfreak

Well-Known Member
Hello fellow farmers,
I have just read this article regarding the recommendation of MJ legalization report which was introduced by a Republican former Pennsylvania governor, Raymond Shafer, appointed by no less than President Nixon to head his National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse.

NORML.ORG US WI: PUB LTE: Revive Pot Recommendation
In 1972, the Shafer Commission recommended to Nixon and Congress that the "possession of marijuana for personal use no longer be an offense, ( and that the ) casual distribution of small amounts of marijuana for no remuneration, or insignificant remuneration no longer be an offense."
A system of regulated sales would create a new tax revenue stream that could help fund needed programs while eliminating expenditures in law enforcement, the courts and the prison-probation system. It would also create an entirely new legal industry with untold potential for job creation and economic development.

In these days of economic uncertainty, unending war and global warming, the lifting of marijuana prohibition would likely produce a collective uplifting of our bruised and battered national spirit unseen since the repeal of alcohol prohibition in 1933. Removing criminal penalties would also allow the medical use of cannabis to reach its full potential, reducing health care costs. Millions of otherwise law-abiding Americans are already using marijuana today. It's time to admit marijuana prohibition has only made things worse, and bring America's and Wisconsin's biggest cash crop above ground (Storck, 2007).

It is amazing to think that this issue has circulated for 35 years with no real headway being made.
Please take the time to visit the NORML site to check in to see how your vote can help to legalize a great renewable resource that can help us medically and economically.