RIU is Full of Adults! (and they won't let me in)

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i have been a member of a few sites. icmag is full of vet. growers but is shit when it comes to free speach. this is the seond best site i ever been on next to overgrow


Well-Known Member
'kry som moar! Ye lil sissy paants sandy vagyna girly mann! Toss a caber 'n eet som haggis t' putt some hair on ye chest before yer chest swells with breasts and ye start havin' beebee's out yer time 'o teh month glory hole!
I agree.
Translated I think:
Cry some more you little sissy pants vagina girl man. Put some hair on your chest before your chest grows a pair of female mammary’s and you start having babies out of your female genitalia. Mmmmn, succinctly put Grizzles. Ever thought of a career in Law. You could teach this guy a few things....someone’s upset him, shame.


Well-Known Member
You still dont get how you can get those results? you are a fucking idiot for still carrying on. YOu could have created your alternate username and just started other threads. You started a thread stating that someone elses post is bullshit and that is your opinion. You did not have to start being a dick and not listen to people trying to explain the rotation to your stupid ass. If you are taking clones every two fucking weeks. Pay attention dumbass did you understand the last sentence. Every two weeks clones are taken so they start growing. forget everything else just remember that every two weeks more cutting are put into the mix. Eventually these fucking clones are thrown into 12/12 just like all the others. So it may take 2 fucking years for some to fully flower but your missing the point of every two weeks they go in so obviously asshole every two weeks eventually you will harvesting some fucking group every two weeks because that is how often you add more plants to the fucking grow cycle. It would be impossible for plants not to be ready every two weeks. YOu seem to think someone is saying that you start the clones and that same fucking plant is fully flowered in another 2 weeks. NO one ever fucking said that. The guy fucking said he had a certain amount every two weeks so if I have 9 million clones added to this cycle every two weeks I could probably say that I am getting 20 pounds every two weeks. Its the amount going into the cycle that matters. You are paying too much attention on the outcome and thinking someone is trying to say they are growing a clone from start to finish in two weeks. Stop showing how dumb you are then getting mad because eventually you get banned for being such an asshole about a simple fucking thread that was very infomative. You offer nothing to these forums but aggravation for others that is why you got kicked. get over it your back with another username, instead of showing yourself just carry on and keep reading. I would imagine you get in a lot of arguments in life being this dumb.


Well-Known Member
I Love the hate. Keep up the good work and keep banning me RIU. Freedom of speech is so over rated don't you think. And I would love to defend some of you pot head, dope growers out there! Have some great arguments that i would love to take to a higher level in the courts.

Ok sorry for typing so poorly. Figured that most of the dope smoking community could not understand large words and or proper english. LOL. Well anyway, I might have been wrong! You might actually be able to get a lb every 2 weeks if you use a AF Lowryder piece of shit cannabis plant. I would never bother with that low end crap plant but I see the uses for such a horrible hemp cross strain.. Oh you can't clone them, duh, so maybe I was not wrong and AJfuct is still just that, fuct. No way to put a clone 3 weeks old into flower for only 9 more weeks like he says and get an lb every two weeks. Does that clear it up.
are you really so stupid that you still don't understand perpetual growing?? how is that possible? you can harvest a plant that takes 14 weeks to bloom every 2 weeks if you start new plants in bloom every 2 weeks. once that first 14 week cycle is through, then -as long as you keep adding plants to your bloom area every 2 weeks- you will harvest other plants every 2 weeks.

please consider a touch of humility. there's nothing worse than a moron who thinks he's smart.


Well-Known Member
you have no life man coming on a marijuana forum only to bitch about how much of a fucking douchebag you are that they had to kick you off what a fucking loser go chock on a dick.


Well-Known Member
by the way.. clones from a mature plant only take about a week of 12/12 to start blooming. seed plants take a little longer.
my sour diesel is ready exactly 10 weeks from the first day of 12/12


Well-Known Member
by the way.. clones from a mature plant only take about a week of 12/12 to start blooming. seed plants take a little longer.
my sour diesel is ready exactly 10 weeks from the first day of 12/12
That is because the clone taken from the mature plant is a mature plant itself once it roots


Well-Known Member
Just so you newbies know this site, if they don't like what you say about one of the threads that are their boys like sticky or fuck you guy, they will delete you and never let you back on. I pointed out some of the bs in the lb every two weeks and they did not like facts!! so now the assholes keep me off with new registration. They say they want freedom but they cancel you when you point out that the bs they post is not possible. Delete me all you like I could care less. My friend grows and I am an attorney for a nonprofit so in the end I just find in amusing you funny little pot head...
Obviously as a lawyer you should understand that in any open forum you will get good info, bad info and misinfo.It is up to each individual to take in what he pleases and there is no need to judge those that disagree with you


Active Member
So your friend grows hu? Cool tell us of your vast knowledge of growing then. That would be good ...ya

Just so you newbies know this site, if they don't like what you say about one of the threads that are their boys like sticky or fuck you guy, they will delete you and never let you back on. I pointed out some of the bs in the lb every two weeks and they did not like facts!! so now the assholes keep me off with new registration. They say they want freedom but they cancel you when you point out that the bs they post is not possible. Delete me all you like I could care less. My friend grows and I am an attorney for a nonprofit so in the end I just find in amusing you funny little pot head...
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