Rockwool and soil


Active Member
So i just purchased a Big bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, along with Some rock wool. Now myquestion is.

Is there a way i could sprout in rock wool, and transfer the plants over to the Fox Farm soil when they start gettin bigger? Will that be bad to mix em or what? I just heard that Rock Wool is a good starter, but i also KNOW that fox farm is a great soil to grow in. Any ideas?

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i have haven't done it myself but a friend does he sokes the rock wool in formulx and puts the seeds in and covers the hole in the rock wool he gets 23 out of 25 of his seeds to sprout you would have to ask about for a more details


Well-Known Member
Rockwool handled properly is a good medium for cloning and one of the reasons is the ease with which it can be transplanted to any other medium you would like to use. When you put it in the Fox Farm avoid watering the cube, it will get dry and that is good, you don't need water around the top of the stem. Please check Al B Fucts cloning tutorial or other similar thread for how to handle the rock wool cubes, your first watering of them must be the right ph, if I were going to use them again I would re-read Al's Thread, he is cutting about 30 every two weeks. Extremly high success rate. Widow maker has a Journal that shows the same thing. VV


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I always put my rockwool clones or seed into soil with no issue.I dont use fox farm soil but I get the roots through the bottom of the cube then bury the cube unbder the soil. I only use 2 inch rockwool cubes never planted a bigger sized cube though