Romulan Plant?

my rom plants i was looking over last night admireing them and i noticed a small brownish spot on a stem .....felt it and it was almost like a scab like i made a rookie mistake and trimed to close to stem and nicked it.....bit it is looks great by the way at day 52 about 4weeks in flower havs any 1 ever seen little brownis spots ever on stems also its just that 1 not all over and that stem has aphat kola on it also any info would be a great help tips anything ..could it be a fungis starting of?


bud bootlegger
i know that pipe dream on here just grew out some romulan i do believe.. you could ask him, as i'm sure he would be able to help you out some, maybe, possibly, lol...
nah, but for real, pipe's a good dude, and would be more than glad to help you out, just tell him i sent you his way..

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Without any pics it's hard to really say. It might be a scab or it might be some kind of fungis or something. It also could be just some genetic thing, romulan is known to have purple stems and stuff, mine had purple stems on the leafs but not so much on the stalks. My romulan was from federation seeds which s no longer in business and yours is more likely from Next Generation unless your growing a clone. I heard that they used different sources for the outcross and that they are pretty different from people who have grown both. I have only got one female too so I can't really comment too much, mine was a little bit of a slow flowerer but really picked up in the last few weeks. I let mine go 9 weeks but maybe could have went longer. It's supposed to be a mostly sativa strain believe it or not, but short flowering plants were chosen making the flowering shorter.

yea i belive that that one part most likely was a scab and stem is like a purpleish color also fan leaves also but i was going to flower it for like at least a week or more funny u said that beacuse i planed on aweek more of flower for that plant and my white rhino grew crazy lenghty but lots of fullage it was like 14inchs when put into flower and was just growing seemed slower then i lollypopped bottem crap ten boom it did the trick..but thanks for ur tips bro going to feed them today and add 5ml of cal mag plus this will help out cause white rhino plants leafs are huge and tips are hanging down this morring never was gefore but it looks awsome i did flush them on 16th could this have made this droopage it not major and my flip camera broke ill post some pics later with phone camera ok..1 luv