Ron paul 2012`


Well-Known Member
you can tell from the debates that his cataracts are really bad. that is no bueno.
he is great for the nation as an individual. as the republican candidate, lmao, not a snowball's chance in hell.

all this Ron Paul 2012 to a room full of registered dems. lol barking up the wrong tree i'd say. WOOF!
have you noticed the fake eyebrows as well?


Well-Known Member
on a related note, it is not surprising to see the paulbots unable to use their own words to defend the guy, and rather rely on videos and images to speak for them.

about on par with the intellectual capacity of a brainwashed cultist.

you guys gonna start handing out pamphlets next? :lol:


Well-Known Member
on a related note, it is not surprising to see the paulbots unable to use their own words to defend the guy, and rather rely on videos and images to speak for them.

about on par with the intellectual capacity of a brainwashed cultist.

you guys gonna start handing out pamphlets next? :lol:
I just thought the video was a good way to let Dr Ron Paul speak in his own words
I agree that Linkoln sucked because he was killing our guys over taxes and you cant go fighting yourself it's lose lose


Well-Known Member
And he is on the wrong side of the aisle so is doomed. He might have a chance as a Dem. Not as a Repub. Agreed?
Not really. Obama is a sitting President. I don't think he's going to lose their primary.

He's done well in polling with Republicans. If the media did not actively try to keep his name out of the race there is a good chance he could win it. He's the only principled candidate I see. I don't necessarily agree with him on everything, but his stances on the most important issues are clear (favorable) and have always been consistent.


Well-Known Member
fuck Obama
When I finally get home I can’t relax, cause I’ve been over worked and I’ve been over taxed. My bank accounts empty, all my cards are maxed. and I ain't looking for no pity, I’m just stating the facts. I voted for some change and it’s kinda strange, Now it’s all I got in my pocket. I bought a few LED’s, now I’m growing some trees, And it’s a sweet fucking hustle don’t knock it.


Matt Rize

Not really. Obama is a sitting President. I don't think he's going to lose their primary.

He's done well in polling with Republicans. If the media did not actively try to keep his name out of the race there is a good chance he could win it. He's the only principled candidate I see. I don't necessarily agree with him on everything, but his stances on the most important issues are clear (favorable) and have always been consistent.
Okay, most of this post has absolutely nothing to do with the question I asked, but its normal from the RPbots to go off on moral high ground tangents when they are called out for being delusional. I'll address the on point parts of your post.

RP has zero chance to get the republican nod, not sure where you get your info from.

"done well with repub polling" are you insane or just delusional? 7.8% of the republican primary votes is not doing well at all. Do some research please. Thanks in advance for following this link to see the actual poll data because i cant copy that much info.

"if the media.." that is also complete BS. He is running as a republican, that is his #1 problem. Try selling RP to a conservative, good luck with that.

Matt Rize

Ron Paul is running as an American
If only that were true.

At least he is on top of Bachman and Santorum. Her face scares me, and his name means... yeah.

The party that he is running under would rather have an asshole who cheats on his wife while she has cancer than RP. Fact, by a significant margin of error. ;)


Well-Known Member
RON PAUL bitches . and to all you haters on this thread, all 2 of you. Go vote for obama again.


Well-Known Member
Okay, most of this post has absolutely nothing to do with the question I asked, but its normal from the RPbots to go off on moral high ground tangents when they are called out for being delusional. I'll address the on point parts of your post.

RP has zero chance to get the republican nod, not sure where you get your info from.

"done well with repub polling" are you insane or just delusional? 7.8% of the republican primary votes is not doing well at all. Do some research please. Thanks in advance for following this link to see the actual poll data because i cant copy that much info.

"if the media.." that is also complete BS. He is running as a republican, that is his #1 problem. Try selling RP to a conservative, good luck with that.
He finished 2nd in the Iowa straw polls and then didn't get barely a mention as a serious candidate. This entire thing continued. The media influences what people do and how they think. I see it every day. It's important to get that exposure. He doesn't. If he did he would be a contender because his message rings true with fiscal conservatives of which there are a large number, even if not a majority (he doesn't need a majority to win a primary). You hear about Perry every day in the media it seems like. Paul? Almost never. Yet they poll similarly. To me this says Paul would be doing better with more coverage, to you I am a quack. The only thing quacky is voting for more of the same shit IMO.


Well-Known Member
RON PAUL bitches . and to all you haters on this thread, all 2 of you. Go vote for obama again.
Or if you think Ron Paul sucks go register republican and vote for Paul and give him a chance to "really skrew things up" so you can prove yourseld right- I tripple dogg dare you!!!

Matt Rize

Or if you think Ron Paul sucks go register republican and vote for Paul and give him a chance to "really skrew things up" so you can prove yourseld right- I tripple dogg dare you!!!
yeah, we are all going to change the party we register with... never going to happen, paul doomed himself. it is what it is.