Ron Paul at RNC Convention


Well-Known Member
He is live right now and refuses to endorse anyone, what are your thoughts on that and how do you think it will effect the outcome??

I like the guy, but he does not stand a chance so I dont know what he is up to.


Well-Known Member
He'st a publicity seeker in my opinion trying to get attention and show the American people he's the man for the job. At least that's what I think right now but then again I'm pretty stoned where does Ron Paul stand on the medical marijuana issue? I don't know.


Well-Known Member
He'st a publicity seeker in my opinion trying to get attention and show the American people he's the man for the job. At least that's what I think right now but then again I'm pretty stoned where does Ron Paul stand on the medical marijuana issue? I don't know.
Ron Paul believes in states rights, believes all drugs should be legalized federally.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul believes in states rights, believes all drugs should be legalized federally.
Why yes he does

So if your state outlaws something he is for it
If your state makes something legal he is all for it

We fought a civil war over that
the outcome of which was
The slaves got freed


Well-Known Member
Being for legal mj is one thing, reality is he has no where near the support to move forward in any way, heck if something happened to Romney Santorm or Nute would still have way more support than him. Hell Michelle would beat him in a race. lol

Once again I like the guy I have voted for him in the past and wish he would run against Perry for Gov of Texas but just dont get what he is trying to prove up there.


Well-Known Member
Being for legal mj is one thing, reality is he has no where near the support to move forward in any way, heck if something happened to Romney Santorm or Nute would still have way more support than him. Hell Michelle would beat him in a race. lol

Once again I like the guy I have voted for him in the past and wish he would run against Perry for Gov of Texas but just dont get what he is trying to prove up there.
That even though his body is not immortal
his ego is?